~Thank God!
Sunday, May 30, 2010 @ 9:24 PM
i've got job for my 2 week holiday.. (:
no torment!(:
no mood to blog.
Labels: i think i've lost the ability
~Lord I need you everyday, but I need you more today..
Saturday, May 29, 2010 @ 11:31 PM
i dont know where i stand, cause i dont know who is right..
You give me so many things I never ask for,
Your plans so meticulous that no one could ever think of..
The way You put people together to make the best or worst out of them..
No two friends are the same,
No two fathers or mothers are the same either,
And neither are two brothers or sisters the same.
All i wanna know is where the links are.. if someone, anyone.. could just fill me in..
I feel the presence of my comforter fading..
I feel
you, who are
I wish that
you can show
yourself ..
I'm not scared, just show yourself..
Labels: bring me back in time to understand
~last day of school
Thursday, May 27, 2010 @ 10:15 PM
woohoo! last day of school! (:
and there's so many things that is gonna take place!
the one thing that i know that i'll have to tolerate and clench my fist together.. (darn)
sigh... i'm sooooooo reluctant to do it.... but then.................... SIGH!!!!!!!
but then i gotta help.. (oh i'd rather go to school everyday)
alright! suckish thingies aside..
i'm gonna enjoy pharmaceutical science activities! (:
okay~~ i've lost my mood to blog. till next time. (:
Labels: seeing you is gonna be such a chore
~you just dont know when i thought you should know better
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 @ 10:24 PM

you know? sometimes when you hear words from a person who means so much to you.. and you think that the words coming out of this person's mouth would not have pricks.. but then sometimes you're just proven wrong.. sometimes people just dont realise it.. and then they say without realising and whats worse its during one-of-those-days when you're really feeling down for nothing.. it projects, like a bacteria under a microscope..
it's just one-of-those-days for me.. darn.. it sucks.. seriously sucks.. i dont know how you do it.. one of those days when it just passes so slowly! and the torment is simply unbearable..
besides being one of those days with someone not realising that their words hold pricks in certain ways, you also have people who speak without facts going through their mind.. and then you feel so helpless.. all you can do is hope that someone wouldnt get into trouble just because of an idiot who sometimes is sweet.. and other than these sweet idiots you get real idiots getting on your nerves! 2 days straight! seriously.. they talk like their at the top of the world! they think that what they do is better than everyone else! they have no regards for your presense! apparently, the people who are around them are not treated like people at all cause these people arent people to them.. (sound familiar? well, different person this time around!) so just because these good people arent people to this person, this person disregard them and their opinion! this person is just lucky that you didnt have a cleaver in yoru hand to skin this person alive and hear this person's plead! how sadistic?! (oh whatever.. ) and then this person would argue non-stop and at the end of it this person would some thick-skinned asking.. "so.. is it right or not?" -.- seriously -.- then why bother arguing?! damn! would you just get a life?! no? then go away!

so many things come together in a day and then you become so stressed up making it one of those days.. suckish.. seriously suckish. i feel for you.. really really feel for you. i symphatise with you! these things just wear a person out so much..
alright, i'm done ranting.. (:
i feel so much better..
however, my laptop keyboard isnt feeling that good..
oups.. narh.. no harm.. (:
good night.
~i'm destined to be _ _ _ _ _ _ ! (: and i'm happy with that..
Labels: being doppy for a day would be nice wouldnt it
~i'm one happy girl today
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 @ 9:08 PM
you know how some people have an effect on your life? how they can cheer you up when ever you feel their presense? have you ever wondered why? well, i dont have the answers..
so.. these two people.. i have no idea who one of them is but she made my day! (: she was this baby girl of slightly older than a year and so i decided to play with her by showing her faces.. aww... *melts* and she smiled back! then she offered me her sliva coated biscuit.. yuck.. but it was undoubtedly adorable! it made my day, it took my mind off so many things at one go..
and next! i've known him for so long, 5 years, going on 6.. (: his name is Jun Peng.. (: why? cause we were webcamming and talking over msn! i enjoy taking to him! taking to him made me feel like i was playing with that baby girl earlier today.. my mind was elsewhere and problems became non-existant.. (:
till next time~
Labels: aww.. i want a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ too
~bring me a little back in time
Thursday, May 13, 2010 @ 10:32 PM
Bring me a little back in time,
Bring me back there cause I wanna relieve fresh valentine,
Bring me back there with you when our hearts first tied.
Many things has changed since,
Since we went our separate ways.
You went left and I went right,
Like 2 parallel lines that would never meet.
Bring me a little back in time,
Back to when we were just friends of valentine,
When then, I wanted you to want me too.
And honey those were the best times of my life.
I had a sudden inspiration to write lyrics.. havent did that in a really really long time..
it's obvious i'm happy/sanguine.. (: nonono... no poly boyfriend.. no intentions to find one at the moment though.. I really really wish this stays.. I hope that this is a sign that i've settled down in poly. I wanna remain the same
happy-go-lucky girl.. attitude and character changes are inevitable, but i want to at least maintain this likeable-ness thing of mine.. (: ( thick skinned me. )
anyways, my first UT, Understanding Test starts tomorrow.. (: Cognitive Problem Solving..
poly has been alright so far.. if given the liberty to choose my teammates i more or less know who are competent. ( no names ) i've been known to be a tyrant when it comes to work, which pretty much explains my unpleasent times a few years back.. a perfectionist, as some would say. But! yes, but, i often screw up.. learning point though.. (: PBL! Problem Based Learning. (:
I've been feeling happy for just over 24 hours now.. lets see how long this can last.. (: I just hope that I wouldn't change for the worse now that i've returned to my normal self.. (:
optimist! sanguine! oriantated! in the lead! (: this might not last, but at least i would know that i wont reach to a point of no return.. (:
I'm just lucky to have friends and family who care.. (:
p/s: "sometimes you reach by just making believe... ..."
p/s p/s: i wanna read the Hunchback of Notre Dame & A Midsummer Night's Dream!!! !!! but where has time gone to??
Labels: i'm happy where i am
~a little too soon for me..
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 3:09 PM
you know.. may be not everybody can relate to this.. but i'm well aware of the changes in the air.. poly has been going on for nearly a month now, and i'm still adapting.. i love my class (W36A) a lot! but then you know what sucks? me.. things are happening so quickly that i cant hardly catch myself doing so.. i see my reflection and i hardly recognise. i was recently talking to my best friend/listening ear and i mentioned that i've changed.. he agreed.. which further proves how aware i am.. which kinda suck.. i dont wanna get into another one of a kind situation that i always get myself into.. but then how am i supposed to differentiate?? or is it too early to tell how a person is??
i know what you mean.. i get it.. you're my friend and you dont want me to get into another situation where i'll be unable to turn back.. and though i know that you'll always be there for me when i need someone i dont wanna be on my own..
i've been doing a lot of thinking these few days.. thinking of how fast things are going and how fast time is flying.. it amazes me how close my class and i are.. we're calling each other dear and we're celebrating birthdays.. staying back to study for exams, and not to mention joking around like a 10 year friend.. it amazes me cause' i dont recall being so close with my secondary school friends after 3 days of school.. may be i've grown up, may be things have changed, i dont know.. but it's amazing.. (: i'm really really amzed..
now, back to my point.. this isnt something that i usually go through, i dont feel like that.. or you might say that i've never.. it brings the word emotions to an entirely new level..
"Love looks with no eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is wing'd cupid painted blind "
i think i'm gonna to continue reading more of Shakespeare's works! I've read Romeo and Juliet, next shall be A mid-summer's night dream. (:
p/s: i updated my blog in school! (:
Labels: 7 dwarfs is my fav
~Thank God!
Sunday, May 30, 2010 @ 9:24 PM
i've got job for my 2 week holiday.. (:
no torment!(:
no mood to blog.
Labels: i think i've lost the ability
~Lord I need you everyday, but I need you more today..
Saturday, May 29, 2010 @ 11:31 PM
i dont know where i stand, cause i dont know who is right..
You give me so many things I never ask for,
Your plans so meticulous that no one could ever think of..
The way You put people together to make the best or worst out of them..
No two friends are the same,
No two fathers or mothers are the same either,
And neither are two brothers or sisters the same.
All i wanna know is where the links are.. if someone, anyone.. could just fill me in..
I feel the presence of my comforter fading..
I feel
you, who are
I wish that
you can show
yourself ..
I'm not scared, just show yourself..
Labels: bring me back in time to understand
~last day of school
Thursday, May 27, 2010 @ 10:15 PM
woohoo! last day of school! (:
and there's so many things that is gonna take place!
the one thing that i know that i'll have to tolerate and clench my fist together.. (darn)
sigh... i'm sooooooo reluctant to do it.... but then.................... SIGH!!!!!!!
but then i gotta help.. (oh i'd rather go to school everyday)
alright! suckish thingies aside..
i'm gonna enjoy pharmaceutical science activities! (:
okay~~ i've lost my mood to blog. till next time. (:
Labels: seeing you is gonna be such a chore
~you just dont know when i thought you should know better
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 @ 10:24 PM

you know? sometimes when you hear words from a person who means so much to you.. and you think that the words coming out of this person's mouth would not have pricks.. but then sometimes you're just proven wrong.. sometimes people just dont realise it.. and then they say without realising and whats worse its during one-of-those-days when you're really feeling down for nothing.. it projects, like a bacteria under a microscope..
it's just one-of-those-days for me.. darn.. it sucks.. seriously sucks.. i dont know how you do it.. one of those days when it just passes so slowly! and the torment is simply unbearable..
besides being one of those days with someone not realising that their words hold pricks in certain ways, you also have people who speak without facts going through their mind.. and then you feel so helpless.. all you can do is hope that someone wouldnt get into trouble just because of an idiot who sometimes is sweet.. and other than these sweet idiots you get real idiots getting on your nerves! 2 days straight! seriously.. they talk like their at the top of the world! they think that what they do is better than everyone else! they have no regards for your presense! apparently, the people who are around them are not treated like people at all cause these people arent people to them.. (sound familiar? well, different person this time around!) so just because these good people arent people to this person, this person disregard them and their opinion! this person is just lucky that you didnt have a cleaver in yoru hand to skin this person alive and hear this person's plead! how sadistic?! (oh whatever.. ) and then this person would argue non-stop and at the end of it this person would some thick-skinned asking.. "so.. is it right or not?" -.- seriously -.- then why bother arguing?! damn! would you just get a life?! no? then go away!

so many things come together in a day and then you become so stressed up making it one of those days.. suckish.. seriously suckish. i feel for you.. really really feel for you. i symphatise with you! these things just wear a person out so much..
alright, i'm done ranting.. (:
i feel so much better..
however, my laptop keyboard isnt feeling that good..
oups.. narh.. no harm.. (:
good night.
~i'm destined to be _ _ _ _ _ _ ! (: and i'm happy with that..
Labels: being doppy for a day would be nice wouldnt it
~i'm one happy girl today
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 @ 9:08 PM
you know how some people have an effect on your life? how they can cheer you up when ever you feel their presense? have you ever wondered why? well, i dont have the answers..
so.. these two people.. i have no idea who one of them is but she made my day! (: she was this baby girl of slightly older than a year and so i decided to play with her by showing her faces.. aww... *melts* and she smiled back! then she offered me her sliva coated biscuit.. yuck.. but it was undoubtedly adorable! it made my day, it took my mind off so many things at one go..
and next! i've known him for so long, 5 years, going on 6.. (: his name is Jun Peng.. (: why? cause we were webcamming and talking over msn! i enjoy taking to him! taking to him made me feel like i was playing with that baby girl earlier today.. my mind was elsewhere and problems became non-existant.. (:
till next time~
Labels: aww.. i want a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ too
~bring me a little back in time
Thursday, May 13, 2010 @ 10:32 PM
Bring me a little back in time,
Bring me back there cause I wanna relieve fresh valentine,
Bring me back there with you when our hearts first tied.
Many things has changed since,
Since we went our separate ways.
You went left and I went right,
Like 2 parallel lines that would never meet.
Bring me a little back in time,
Back to when we were just friends of valentine,
When then, I wanted you to want me too.
And honey those were the best times of my life.
I had a sudden inspiration to write lyrics.. havent did that in a really really long time..
it's obvious i'm happy/sanguine.. (: nonono... no poly boyfriend.. no intentions to find one at the moment though.. I really really wish this stays.. I hope that this is a sign that i've settled down in poly. I wanna remain the same
happy-go-lucky girl.. attitude and character changes are inevitable, but i want to at least maintain this likeable-ness thing of mine.. (: ( thick skinned me. )
anyways, my first UT, Understanding Test starts tomorrow.. (: Cognitive Problem Solving..
poly has been alright so far.. if given the liberty to choose my teammates i more or less know who are competent. ( no names ) i've been known to be a tyrant when it comes to work, which pretty much explains my unpleasent times a few years back.. a perfectionist, as some would say. But! yes, but, i often screw up.. learning point though.. (: PBL! Problem Based Learning. (:
I've been feeling happy for just over 24 hours now.. lets see how long this can last.. (: I just hope that I wouldn't change for the worse now that i've returned to my normal self.. (:
optimist! sanguine! oriantated! in the lead! (: this might not last, but at least i would know that i wont reach to a point of no return.. (:
I'm just lucky to have friends and family who care.. (:
p/s: "sometimes you reach by just making believe... ..."
p/s p/s: i wanna read the Hunchback of Notre Dame & A Midsummer Night's Dream!!! !!! but where has time gone to??
Labels: i'm happy where i am
~a little too soon for me..
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 3:09 PM
you know.. may be not everybody can relate to this.. but i'm well aware of the changes in the air.. poly has been going on for nearly a month now, and i'm still adapting.. i love my class (W36A) a lot! but then you know what sucks? me.. things are happening so quickly that i cant hardly catch myself doing so.. i see my reflection and i hardly recognise. i was recently talking to my best friend/listening ear and i mentioned that i've changed.. he agreed.. which further proves how aware i am.. which kinda suck.. i dont wanna get into another one of a kind situation that i always get myself into.. but then how am i supposed to differentiate?? or is it too early to tell how a person is??
i know what you mean.. i get it.. you're my friend and you dont want me to get into another situation where i'll be unable to turn back.. and though i know that you'll always be there for me when i need someone i dont wanna be on my own..
i've been doing a lot of thinking these few days.. thinking of how fast things are going and how fast time is flying.. it amazes me how close my class and i are.. we're calling each other dear and we're celebrating birthdays.. staying back to study for exams, and not to mention joking around like a 10 year friend.. it amazes me cause' i dont recall being so close with my secondary school friends after 3 days of school.. may be i've grown up, may be things have changed, i dont know.. but it's amazing.. (: i'm really really amzed..
now, back to my point.. this isnt something that i usually go through, i dont feel like that.. or you might say that i've never.. it brings the word emotions to an entirely new level..
"Love looks with no eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is wing'd cupid painted blind "
i think i'm gonna to continue reading more of Shakespeare's works! I've read Romeo and Juliet, next shall be A mid-summer's night dream. (:
p/s: i updated my blog in school! (:
Labels: 7 dwarfs is my fav