Thursday, December 31, 2009 @ 1:06 PM
yay! (: my fever subsided... (: i slept through the entire morning... but then... i've lost my appitite... sigh....
anyways... just a few more hours till 2010 commences! (: oh... i can't wait! another update tonight.. (:
~sayonnara!~Labels: loss of appitite
@ 7:04 AM
my labels says it all... my whole family expect for my mum is sick! my siblings and i have vomited... urgh.... >.< ho ho! and i couldn't find a better picture than taking it... ohwell.... the saying goes "out with the bad and in with the good." it's early in the morning and both my siblings are down with fever... me? i haven't had a good night's rest.... my little bro fell sick late last night.. well.. so i stayed up.. he kept crying.. he vomited and cried and whined.. using a damp cloth didnt work after awhile.. this kept me up until 2am.. slept for awhile and he woke up again... 3plus we went back into the room, slept soundly until my bro turned and laid on me and i felt nauseous... so i was kept awake since... then i vomited... darn.... twice already, since this morning.. oh darn...
Labels: ending the year on a sick note
@ 2:01 AM
gosh... it's finally the last day of 2009! (:
narh.. i think i'll skip the what happen and stuff...
oh gosh.. less than 24 hours and we're heading onto 2010!
more updates later... it's 2am!!!!
Labels: why are you back
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @ 5:28 PM
argh!! suckish!!! i can't upload pics!!! darn.... so suckish!!!
anyways... apart from this suckish problem, I met someone really nice!
no no no... not infatuation if thats what you're thinking of...
cause' i was out buying groceries and it weighed a ton! me and my laziness to walk, so i decided to carry the trolley with my siblings up the stairs.. well.. i thinking "it's only on the second floor..." but stupid me! overestimated myself and we had a tough time going up 2 steps... not 2 slides of stairs, 2 steps... -.- so this nice uncle helped us... (: there are nice people around apart than our everyday friends.. (:
hmm... today i gave evelyn an advanced birthday surprise.. nope, nothing like yesterday... (: let's hope she likes it... (:
alright, i don't feel like blogging anymore cause this is so suckish!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 @ 9:47 PM
my dearest jasmine meimei is happy! yay..! (: haha... i fooled her into believeing that i forgot her birthday! haha... so i prepared her fav. cake! and fooled her into coming to my house! mua hahaha! (: i made her a birthday card too!!!! and now... hmm...
if you are reading this before your birthday then good larh... let's hope you know who you are... haha!!!! (: i love surprises!! yippie eie yeah! (: well... it's just a couple more days till 2010 and i think i have a song with lyrics without melody for my dear readers... anyone kind enough to create a melody for me when i post my song with lyrics but no melody is most welcome to do so!! (: well... i can't wait for 2010 man!!!!! i can finally leave my love-hate year and head on to a new year... a new year, a new piece of paper with new challanges and accumulating victories! Abigail wishes those who reads this blog/post and their families a happy new year and may the year 2010 be an even better year than this... (i think i'm going bersark again... hehes, happy-meter overload!!!!!!!!!!! arhhhhhhhh~~) yup! it's official! i'm going siao! haha... alright! goodnight!

Labels: someone else will get a pleasant surprise soon
the journey
Sunday, December 27, 2009 @ 9:52 PM
the journey: what journey you might be asking... well... i think my O lvl preparation journey is enough to kill your time reading it... the year started hectic! like seriously... afternoon classes and saturday lessons.... but there were all kinds of obstacles along the way, but i'm not here to talk about my non-related study obstacles.. (: i started the year with enthusiasm! note books were bought, and early revision before school reopened.. it was hectic! but as soon as lessons started i felt like i have learnt nothing thoughout my 4years in school... it as terrible, my 5th year and i felt like i've learnt nothing.. great! just perfect for the year of my MAJOR exams! like "what the heck!"but as the year went on everything started to come back, the formulas and the ways to solve a problem was beginning to seem familiar, and as soon as things seem so 'perfect' , i lost it! new things were taught and it was all in a foreign language! "huh? .... die!" was my phrase of the season! everything written on the whiteboard was in a foreign language! it was an uphill climb, it wasn't easy, but i did it, i reached the peak! and grasped and applied! "yay me!" CA1. mid-year, prelims... i gotta admit, i sucked! seriously, it seemed like a dead end.. i felt like giving up, i felt like all my efforts went down the drain... and then one of daddy's phrase came to mind "if you working so hard and you miss it by a mark, then what's all the hard work for? you mid as well not study at all and end up at the same destination." it really seemed like the end.. but i held on tight, i hanged in there and pushed myself like i've never pushed before.. the force and effort plus the pressure! waking up at 4am nearly everymorning and sleeping at 10.30pm everynight... and at the end of the week i collapsed without fail.. i would either cry or i would totally change my character.. but that was just for a couple of days... it was tedious! and finally... O lvls.... "doomed!" i told that to myself... days before my first paper (english), i cried.. i cried real bad! funny though... cause i was talking to daddy when i suddenly broke down... and it went on... but our conversation continued... hahahahaha! (: the day of O lvl.... i went into the examination hall neutral.. i was pretty pessimistic though... english? my strongest subject.. i feel like i suck at it despite my english speaking background.. but it was better as it went on.... i was more optimistic, i cried less and pushed harder but i would drift off just to let loose.... (: to all those out there taking your O lvls next year, hang in there.. it'll be over soon... remember.. "put in ALL your effort, be sure to be confident.. remember what my daddy said" (: all the best! (: it'll be over soon... trust me.. (:~abigail says her story~Labels: it's like walking back to where it all began
Saturday, December 26, 2009 @ 11:27 AM

couldn't sleep last night, so daddy introduced Patch Adams to us.. it's a movie based on the true story of Dr. Hunter Patch Adams.. (: it was so touching! well, it's kind of like the book i read "Violet Travilla" ... alright that aside.. how was your christmas? (: hmm, i'm just glad that 2009 is coming to an end.. (: and 2010 is gonna be better! way way way better! challanges this year has taken half my life away... haha! (: anyways.. i'm gonna go for a wedding later! yay! pictures shall be uploaded as soon as i get home! (:
Labels: i keep seeing you in other people
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 @ 7:00 PM
its that feeling of fondness that absence brings that tells you that you're head over heels crazy in love, its the possibility of daydreaming with your eyes wide open after mid night that makes a smile appear on your face, its the sudden radiant glow on your face that tells people that you're in love and of course the light steps your feet brings.. smiling at almost everything, laughing to yourself.. and then at times wonder what love really is about.. is it that fondness that absence brings or the radiant smile? or may be even the crimson red colour that your cheeks shows when you-know-who appears.. your heart starts to beat fast and you're tongue tied, your mind goes blank and you don't know what to say anymore.. but then you know that it's true.. it has occurred to me that i'm gonna turn 18 soon! it's fast! really fast.. from being a little girl to growing up to be schooling in primary school and then PLSE comes and goes and secondary school starts, in a blink of an eye N lvls are over and done with and O lvls just ended.. a little while more and the results will be released.. 3 months till my 18th birthday! yippie eie yeah! (: i dont wanna talk about how 2009 has been for me, i think i've been traumatised enough for now.. haha (: staying optimistic still, same'O abi.. haha (: cause' eventually everything will turn out fine.. pieces of the puzzle will finally come together, eventually though, no matter how long it takes life goes on, so no point waiting, one step at a time.. (: and after the results are released it's either JC or poly.. it's gonna be fast! and adulthood here i come!! being a teenager had it's perks. but it was kind of suckish in certain aspects for me.. well, i cant expect everything to be perfect isnt it? [ i ought to sit in a corner and let myself drift away, i feel myself getting crazier after typing every word, but that can wait! ] teenage starts from 13-20.. i've gone through more than half.. just slightly more than 2 years more for me. the beginning was terrible! mood swings and such, not so much of PMS.. i rarely PMS.. (: hehes.. 13 years old.. hmm.. i was sociable enough to get by sec 1, i remember myself being blunt and loud, really loud.. it was terrible, but thank God it wasn't bad to a point where i would lose my new found friends then.. i remember being a perfectionist and a bossy leader.. i remember wanting things my way.. i remember getting into a heck load of trouble. hahaha! (: sec 2 passed by fast, then came sec 3.. hectic year.. a little suckish but it was alright, sec 4 was better and sec 5 i need not elaborate.. (: okok, i need to sit in a corner now! (:~sayonnara!~Labels: conicidental or exact same
babysitting & youth camp
Sunday, December 20, 2009 @ 9:19 AM
hello! (: i'm back from camp.. although it might have been only for 25hours, it was fun.. alright.. so... 18th dec 2009.. i'm just gonna summarise (: reached church at about 8.50am and the work started, there were quite a number of children, sarah and her 3 gorgors, rosh and rei, jeremy and his little bro, arthur, another boy whose name i cant remember now.. grace. thats about it.. 10 children.. (: roda, hannah, caleb, nicholas and michelle were also there to help.. baby sitting was fun but tiring, but also enjoyable.. keeping the older kids quiet was a challange but it ended well.. later that day youth camp started at 8plus.. we had ice breaker games and then a short briefing on the think tank session we're gonna have the next day. by about 11pm we all headed down to the cheese prata shop for our supper! (: returned to church and bathed then played PIT! (: by the time i got to bed it was already 2.30am..
Friday, December 18, 2009 @ 5:30 AM
it's just a few hours till youth camp begins! (: yay! (: camp? i remember being a young girl and already wanting to go for camps. i remember that daddy brought me to my first camp when i was just 5 years old.. church was having their annual juniors teens camp at st john's island and daddy brought me along.. juniors teens camp age group is 10 to 14 years old.. and i was with people nearly 10 years older than me, i bunked with them, woke up to do PT with them and had breakfast with them.. and when they had games i would sit there and watch.. and sometimes for fun i was allowed to join in. during the games i would stay for awhile and then i had to go back to campsite and help out in the kitchen.. hey, who says 5 year olds cannot help in the kitchen? haha (: i would never forget my first camp.. and as i grew up i was finally old enough to be a camper! at the age of 8 or 9 i was attending my first OFFICIAL camp! (: i'm always in the spirit for camps.. 9 to 14 years old i attended every camp.. and nearly all of them were held at st johns.. sometimes it was held at church.. 14 years old was also the year i attended my first youth camp.. (: hey!!! so far my life is a montage of camps! anyways.. by 15 years old i was camp worker.. i was at first song leading and then in the games commitee.. other than church camps, school camps were fun too.. (: sec 1 oriantation camp, sec 2 NE camp, sec 3 advanture camp, sec 4 and sec 5 study camp and annual scouts and guides camp. of all these camps.. my most memorable ones are the ones held at st johns.. being a camper all i had to do was to listen to the gorgor and jiejie running the camp and planning games for us.. and my fav game of all time is the last night of camp.. war game!! (: when the sun goes down....... when the campfire is over....... when no one is tired despite all the games........ and the moon is up....... we get ready for war....... there was always 4 groups.. and 2 groups would join and combine.. war game had it's objectives, my fav was when we had to get the opponents banner.. we had to hide our banner, so some of us had to guard while others hunt for the opponents banner and the rest just wait to ambush! with water bombs in our hands.. we had P.O.W (prisonner of war), we had warriors.. haha (: and now that i have grown up, last year's junior's camp i was a worker and my sister was a camper.. and i was in the games commitee.. now i know how tough it is.. staying up late trying to get the games right, making sure that the campers would enjoy it.. going down to the park to check on our game site, sitting by the tap in the morning getting the water bombs ready.. it's a lot of work, but at the end of it the sense of satisfaction when the campers are having the time of their lives.. (: school camps... hmm.... my most unforgettable was sec 2 LTC camp.. it was held at pulau ubin, i love the high elements and the jetty jump! (: if my mum saw me doing that i think she would go bonkers.. anyways... i love camps.. and i'm hoping it wouldnt end so soon... cause i bet even when i'm 75 years old i'll still be attending camps!!!! haha (: we shall see.. alright, i shall end here and update more on sunday.. may be monday.. (:

Thursday, December 17, 2009 @ 6:48 PM
this year... 2009... well.. for me it's a love-hate year.. 2009 has taught me many things about friendship, trust, understanding and tolerance.. i hate this year cause of the countless conflicts, the countless fights and the countless misunderstandings.. you cannot imagine how stupid things can be.. the emotional roller coaster been though was terrible.. the headache and heartache.. the stress friends, teachers, family and studies has given me is undefinable, incomprehensible and unbearable.. the fights that happened between me and my friends were more or less inevitable.. but the fights were of the utmost stupid reason.. (: come to think of it it's really stupid.. i remember the FIRST fight with a friend of 5 years.. no names larh okay? (: this friend... hahahahahha... narh.. i'm not mocking this person, but that fight was stupid.. if you're thinking that i didn't forgive and forget, hell yea, you're wrong! (: i keep a diary.. and honestly, i wouldnt let anyone read my diaries.. not this year's one though.. cause it's just awful! you know the things a person writes when they're at the top of their anger and all kinds of thoughts flow in.. the things you wanna do then, the irrationality.. but thank God i wrote them down... cause reading it now, i'm glad i didnt do it.. i'm glad i didn't let my anger get the better of me.. this year came and is going fast.. i was blur about many things i wasnt myself.. i've said and done stupid things.. but hey! life is a montage of the stupid things a person does.. life is a montage of the failures they've been through.. life is a montage of the secret-good things a person does for another.. life is just another montage.. there is this saying "live life like there's no tomorrow and learn like there's always tomorrow"for some reason, i love life quotations.. like what my blog title says "life's too short to let a little set back pull you down" it's true.. why live life in anger, being angry at every damn thing that you cant get right.. i used to tell this friend of mine that mistakes are made for you to learn what not to do again.. this friend of mine was afraid that i would end our friendship.. but this person no longer regards me as a friend.. but nonetheless, life goes on. (: people make mistakes all the time, but dont keep looking back on it.. cause you'll end up telling yourself "i should have done this!" "urgh! i shouldnt have done that!" but whats the point? whats done, done, can't be undone.. in life there are 3 things that cannot be taken back, 1) the stone after the throw, 2) the words after it has been said, 3) the hurt that has been inflicted.. rationalism is very important.. being trustworthy is important also.. have you ever thought that "urgh, she doesnt need my help, someone else will come to her aid.." but havent you thought that no matter how much you dislike that person or how that person is a stranger to you, that person still needs your help.. cause you'll be in that position too.. ( no one is indispensable ) whoa.. i started out with the year 2009 and now i'm here.. hehes (: anyways.. it's linked.. (: i suppose this is the typical life of a teenager who is trying to find herself.. someone who wants to find herself at where she last saw and then lost..~sayonnara~p/s: is this long enough?!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 @ 6:57 PM

i love this dreamy picture (: nothing much to update though.. (: more after i return from camp.. pictures promised! (:
Labels: a good nights' sleep would do the trick
Monday, December 14, 2009 @ 8:48 PM
I was at People's Park food court yesterday.. and something struck me.. the fact that
there are people out there eating left over food and it does not just happen in drama series or cartoons. it's real. and it became very real to me during lunch yesterday.. it's
disheartening for me to see, cause i have an 88 year old nanny living with me. she has clothes to wear, food to eat and a rood over her head.. but this elderly i saw yesterday... only God knows how many clothes she has, how many times she eats a day and where she stays.. this elderly was waiting for people to finish their meal so that she has at least scraps to eat.. i didn't notice that she was hungry, i thought she only wanted to collect tin cans.. i only realised it when this family offered their bowl of yong tau foo, this bowl wasnt touched at all, although there wasnt any noddles, but the glow on the elderly's face was
priceless.. it really strike me hard, so hard that i'm now aware that there really is people like that out there.. my eyes are opened wider, and i'm so much more luckier.. i have a family, i have an education and i have a job. i get to go to japan and such.. but it's still disheartening.. really... i know that there are poor people out there, but it never occur to me that it would be that dire... such desperate positions are actually filled, and i doubt they enjoy that... honestly? NKF and all that... i've kinda lost my trust and hope in them after that fraud.. spare the needy please.. singapore... sigh.. it's like 2 extremes.. 2 extreme ends of financial status, 2 extreme ends of
compassion.. i hate to see this, but i can't think of anything to help at this point of time.. i'm in a position that i dont wanna be in,
but i'm not in that dire state.. i still can carry on, but what about them? i'm young, but they're not. i can tolerate, how long more can they tolerate?
well.. i'll pray for them then, just to give my heart some peace..
Labels: who has the key to free them from this misery
Sunday, December 13, 2009 @ 6:14 PM
hmm.. lets see..
counting down :
>> 5days till youth camp
>> 11 days till Christmas Eve Performance
>> 12 days till Chrismas
>> 16 days till Jasmine's birthday
>> 18 days till Evelyn's birthday
>> 19 days till 2010 commence
>> approximately 1 month till the release of GCE O level results
today today today.. went to church and got a surprise! (: Rina was there! She hasn't come to church in a long long long long long time! but! i'm happy she's here today.. but then Roda went to visit her grandfather's grave.. anyways.. my cake business is alright.. (: i'm gonna go for door to door next.. i doubt i'll have flyers cause' i feel that door to door would be a bette

r approach.. (:
Labels: i'm still not understanding
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 @ 8:32 PM

oh yes! had another sale today.. (: THANK YOU HE AN! haha (: no so bad though.. daddy and i thought of renting a push cart but its at $2600++++/mth! sigh...
well.. holidays has been boring so far... i can't believe that it has only been only nearly 1 month since the end of O levels... like.....
so slow?! anyways.. no job yet.. well.. apart from selling cakes there's nothing much.. i miss JAPAN!!! >.< i miss my new found friends.. ohwell. i suppose i should make good use of my remaining holidays.. what to do what to do.. hmm... anyways.. VOGUE didn't call me back, so i suppose all i can do is wait for that recruitment agency to call and give me a few days of work..
Tuesday, December 8, 2009 @ 2:55 PM
went to Lot 1 today, went into nearly all the retail outlets.. BATA, Ella, VOGUE, Popular, NLB, Kiddy Palace, BHG~ well.. VOGUE said that they'll call me back after reading my particulars.. gosh, i'm keeping my fingers crossed.. after that I went to Jalan Teck Whye to deliver the cakes that i'm selling. (: and once more, advertising for myself.. (: pictures of the cakes will be uploaded as soon as the pictures are sent to me. i personally, not being bias or anything, the cakes are really good, my favs are chocolate royaltine, durian, avoc

ado and chocolate truffle. (:
Labels: keeping my fingers crossed
Saturday, December 5, 2009 @ 5:30 PM
gosh.. i suppose i shall wait until monday.. and if there're no calls from any of the jobs that i have applied then i shall walk into any shop.. sigh.. i'm bored.. like seriously.. nothing much to blog though.. so far......... ......... i've been practicing my guitar.. (: i've just started picking it up again, so i'm kinda rusty at the chords.. from A to B to A to C to A to D to A to E to A to F to A to G... (: gosh.. can you imagine? i'm turning 18 soon! (: everybody is growing up.. (: growing up is so nice.. isn't it? alright, i suppose i should just end here before i bore anyone out.. (:
p/s: muster that ounce of courage? how much more time do i have?
Labels: i need a job PRONTO
@ 11:34 AM
i feel like this flower which has not yet bloom... i won't sit and wait though, but i'm unsure of what to do.. if only i had a set of instructions, but then life wouldn't have life anymore.. 

Labels: proper update later
Friday, December 4, 2009 @ 12:01 PM
woke up at 8.30am this morning.. had a quick bath and left home for Jurong East CPF building.. went there with my cousin for a job interview.. a part time job, they'll call you and you'll work for several days at wherever they assign you at. There's waitress, retail, stock-take and packaging. (: sigh.. but God-knows-when they'll call me.. so I called World of Sports and they told me that they'll call me back regarding a part time job for me. (:
p/s: wondering if.... .....
Labels: job job job
Thursday, December 3, 2009 @ 5:57 PM

ohyes! I'm going for a job interview tomorrow at Jurong East at 10am! darn.. it's a packaging job.. (: i'm kinda excited.. yay-yay-yay-yay! (: hmm.. today today today.. went out with Evelyn, Munyee, Yaowei and Sean. (: okay larh... nothing much.. just jalan jalan then we had lunch.. (:
see the fish there? see the fish in a net? I don't wanna be like that fish again.. I don't wanna to trap myself again.. though I wanna be, but may be it's not destiny.. I don't wanna force to have my way again, thinking that it's the best for me.. No one knows what's best for me, no one knows when thats best to do whats best for me.. No one, not you, not me, not anyone else.. Even the fortune teller can't tell what's ahead for me, for you.. No $100 can buy that larh.. but then again, there are sayings that say " happiness is made out of your own two hands" , and other sayings that say, " No one knows what tomorrow holds, destiny awaits you." which saying is true, or which saying is best to describe my situation now? gosh, close your eyes, listen to that melody, see yourself in the future, with white clouds and blue skies.. with eyes closed I see myself on a green grass patch, eyes transfixed on the sky, with someone beside me to share this joy i hold within me.. ohyes, up till now, i still wish to go away for a day, sit at this place alone with the wind blowing against my face, i'll watch the sun from dawn to dask, and as it retires to behind the horizons i shall take my leave, board the bus and head home. (:
p/s: i don't need you to make me a happy girl.. whether or not it happens, it doesn't matter, not now, not ever.. (:
Labels: i don't wanna be trapped again what am i to do this time
@ 10:29 AM
hello everyone! (:
check this out :
going out later.. (:
so far... the hols has been alright? i guess..
i'm still job hunting.. hmm...
gosh, i really need a job!
i really really need one.. like seriously...
no $$, plus i gotta start saving for my poly fees...
well.. i gotta contribute a little dont i? hees (:
gosh.. i can't wait for so many things.. i cant wait to get a job, i cant wait for christmas, i can't wait for new years day! oh yes! 2009 is FINALLY coming to an end! and i'm glad! glad that it's gonna be over.. suckish-goody year... but then again, tomorrow will definitely be better than today.. (: and 2010 will definitely be better than 2009..
remember to check that website out! (:
Thursday, December 31, 2009 @ 1:06 PM
yay! (: my fever subsided... (: i slept through the entire morning... but then... i've lost my appitite... sigh....
anyways... just a few more hours till 2010 commences! (: oh... i can't wait! another update tonight.. (:
~sayonnara!~Labels: loss of appitite
@ 7:04 AM
my labels says it all... my whole family expect for my mum is sick! my siblings and i have vomited... urgh.... >.< ho ho! and i couldn't find a better picture than taking it... ohwell.... the saying goes "out with the bad and in with the good." it's early in the morning and both my siblings are down with fever... me? i haven't had a good night's rest.... my little bro fell sick late last night.. well.. so i stayed up.. he kept crying.. he vomited and cried and whined.. using a damp cloth didnt work after awhile.. this kept me up until 2am.. slept for awhile and he woke up again... 3plus we went back into the room, slept soundly until my bro turned and laid on me and i felt nauseous... so i was kept awake since... then i vomited... darn.... twice already, since this morning.. oh darn...
Labels: ending the year on a sick note
@ 2:01 AM
gosh... it's finally the last day of 2009! (:
narh.. i think i'll skip the what happen and stuff...
oh gosh.. less than 24 hours and we're heading onto 2010!
more updates later... it's 2am!!!!
Labels: why are you back
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @ 5:28 PM
argh!! suckish!!! i can't upload pics!!! darn.... so suckish!!!
anyways... apart from this suckish problem, I met someone really nice!
no no no... not infatuation if thats what you're thinking of...
cause' i was out buying groceries and it weighed a ton! me and my laziness to walk, so i decided to carry the trolley with my siblings up the stairs.. well.. i thinking "it's only on the second floor..." but stupid me! overestimated myself and we had a tough time going up 2 steps... not 2 slides of stairs, 2 steps... -.- so this nice uncle helped us... (: there are nice people around apart than our everyday friends.. (:
hmm... today i gave evelyn an advanced birthday surprise.. nope, nothing like yesterday... (: let's hope she likes it... (:
alright, i don't feel like blogging anymore cause this is so suckish!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 @ 9:47 PM
my dearest jasmine meimei is happy! yay..! (: haha... i fooled her into believeing that i forgot her birthday! haha... so i prepared her fav. cake! and fooled her into coming to my house! mua hahaha! (: i made her a birthday card too!!!! and now... hmm...
if you are reading this before your birthday then good larh... let's hope you know who you are... haha!!!! (: i love surprises!! yippie eie yeah! (: well... it's just a couple more days till 2010 and i think i have a song with lyrics without melody for my dear readers... anyone kind enough to create a melody for me when i post my song with lyrics but no melody is most welcome to do so!! (: well... i can't wait for 2010 man!!!!! i can finally leave my love-hate year and head on to a new year... a new year, a new piece of paper with new challanges and accumulating victories! Abigail wishes those who reads this blog/post and their families a happy new year and may the year 2010 be an even better year than this... (i think i'm going bersark again... hehes, happy-meter overload!!!!!!!!!!! arhhhhhhhh~~) yup! it's official! i'm going siao! haha... alright! goodnight!

Labels: someone else will get a pleasant surprise soon
the journey
Sunday, December 27, 2009 @ 9:52 PM
the journey: what journey you might be asking... well... i think my O lvl preparation journey is enough to kill your time reading it... the year started hectic! like seriously... afternoon classes and saturday lessons.... but there were all kinds of obstacles along the way, but i'm not here to talk about my non-related study obstacles.. (: i started the year with enthusiasm! note books were bought, and early revision before school reopened.. it was hectic! but as soon as lessons started i felt like i have learnt nothing thoughout my 4years in school... it as terrible, my 5th year and i felt like i've learnt nothing.. great! just perfect for the year of my MAJOR exams! like "what the heck!"but as the year went on everything started to come back, the formulas and the ways to solve a problem was beginning to seem familiar, and as soon as things seem so 'perfect' , i lost it! new things were taught and it was all in a foreign language! "huh? .... die!" was my phrase of the season! everything written on the whiteboard was in a foreign language! it was an uphill climb, it wasn't easy, but i did it, i reached the peak! and grasped and applied! "yay me!" CA1. mid-year, prelims... i gotta admit, i sucked! seriously, it seemed like a dead end.. i felt like giving up, i felt like all my efforts went down the drain... and then one of daddy's phrase came to mind "if you working so hard and you miss it by a mark, then what's all the hard work for? you mid as well not study at all and end up at the same destination." it really seemed like the end.. but i held on tight, i hanged in there and pushed myself like i've never pushed before.. the force and effort plus the pressure! waking up at 4am nearly everymorning and sleeping at 10.30pm everynight... and at the end of the week i collapsed without fail.. i would either cry or i would totally change my character.. but that was just for a couple of days... it was tedious! and finally... O lvls.... "doomed!" i told that to myself... days before my first paper (english), i cried.. i cried real bad! funny though... cause i was talking to daddy when i suddenly broke down... and it went on... but our conversation continued... hahahahaha! (: the day of O lvl.... i went into the examination hall neutral.. i was pretty pessimistic though... english? my strongest subject.. i feel like i suck at it despite my english speaking background.. but it was better as it went on.... i was more optimistic, i cried less and pushed harder but i would drift off just to let loose.... (: to all those out there taking your O lvls next year, hang in there.. it'll be over soon... remember.. "put in ALL your effort, be sure to be confident.. remember what my daddy said" (: all the best! (: it'll be over soon... trust me.. (:~abigail says her story~Labels: it's like walking back to where it all began
Saturday, December 26, 2009 @ 11:27 AM

couldn't sleep last night, so daddy introduced Patch Adams to us.. it's a movie based on the true story of Dr. Hunter Patch Adams.. (: it was so touching! well, it's kind of like the book i read "Violet Travilla" ... alright that aside.. how was your christmas? (: hmm, i'm just glad that 2009 is coming to an end.. (: and 2010 is gonna be better! way way way better! challanges this year has taken half my life away... haha! (: anyways.. i'm gonna go for a wedding later! yay! pictures shall be uploaded as soon as i get home! (:
Labels: i keep seeing you in other people
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 @ 7:00 PM
its that feeling of fondness that absence brings that tells you that you're head over heels crazy in love, its the possibility of daydreaming with your eyes wide open after mid night that makes a smile appear on your face, its the sudden radiant glow on your face that tells people that you're in love and of course the light steps your feet brings.. smiling at almost everything, laughing to yourself.. and then at times wonder what love really is about.. is it that fondness that absence brings or the radiant smile? or may be even the crimson red colour that your cheeks shows when you-know-who appears.. your heart starts to beat fast and you're tongue tied, your mind goes blank and you don't know what to say anymore.. but then you know that it's true.. it has occurred to me that i'm gonna turn 18 soon! it's fast! really fast.. from being a little girl to growing up to be schooling in primary school and then PLSE comes and goes and secondary school starts, in a blink of an eye N lvls are over and done with and O lvls just ended.. a little while more and the results will be released.. 3 months till my 18th birthday! yippie eie yeah! (: i dont wanna talk about how 2009 has been for me, i think i've been traumatised enough for now.. haha (: staying optimistic still, same'O abi.. haha (: cause' eventually everything will turn out fine.. pieces of the puzzle will finally come together, eventually though, no matter how long it takes life goes on, so no point waiting, one step at a time.. (: and after the results are released it's either JC or poly.. it's gonna be fast! and adulthood here i come!! being a teenager had it's perks. but it was kind of suckish in certain aspects for me.. well, i cant expect everything to be perfect isnt it? [ i ought to sit in a corner and let myself drift away, i feel myself getting crazier after typing every word, but that can wait! ] teenage starts from 13-20.. i've gone through more than half.. just slightly more than 2 years more for me. the beginning was terrible! mood swings and such, not so much of PMS.. i rarely PMS.. (: hehes.. 13 years old.. hmm.. i was sociable enough to get by sec 1, i remember myself being blunt and loud, really loud.. it was terrible, but thank God it wasn't bad to a point where i would lose my new found friends then.. i remember being a perfectionist and a bossy leader.. i remember wanting things my way.. i remember getting into a heck load of trouble. hahaha! (: sec 2 passed by fast, then came sec 3.. hectic year.. a little suckish but it was alright, sec 4 was better and sec 5 i need not elaborate.. (: okok, i need to sit in a corner now! (:~sayonnara!~Labels: conicidental or exact same
babysitting & youth camp
Sunday, December 20, 2009 @ 9:19 AM
hello! (: i'm back from camp.. although it might have been only for 25hours, it was fun.. alright.. so... 18th dec 2009.. i'm just gonna summarise (: reached church at about 8.50am and the work started, there were quite a number of children, sarah and her 3 gorgors, rosh and rei, jeremy and his little bro, arthur, another boy whose name i cant remember now.. grace. thats about it.. 10 children.. (: roda, hannah, caleb, nicholas and michelle were also there to help.. baby sitting was fun but tiring, but also enjoyable.. keeping the older kids quiet was a challange but it ended well.. later that day youth camp started at 8plus.. we had ice breaker games and then a short briefing on the think tank session we're gonna have the next day. by about 11pm we all headed down to the cheese prata shop for our supper! (: returned to church and bathed then played PIT! (: by the time i got to bed it was already 2.30am..
Friday, December 18, 2009 @ 5:30 AM
it's just a few hours till youth camp begins! (: yay! (: camp? i remember being a young girl and already wanting to go for camps. i remember that daddy brought me to my first camp when i was just 5 years old.. church was having their annual juniors teens camp at st john's island and daddy brought me along.. juniors teens camp age group is 10 to 14 years old.. and i was with people nearly 10 years older than me, i bunked with them, woke up to do PT with them and had breakfast with them.. and when they had games i would sit there and watch.. and sometimes for fun i was allowed to join in. during the games i would stay for awhile and then i had to go back to campsite and help out in the kitchen.. hey, who says 5 year olds cannot help in the kitchen? haha (: i would never forget my first camp.. and as i grew up i was finally old enough to be a camper! at the age of 8 or 9 i was attending my first OFFICIAL camp! (: i'm always in the spirit for camps.. 9 to 14 years old i attended every camp.. and nearly all of them were held at st johns.. sometimes it was held at church.. 14 years old was also the year i attended my first youth camp.. (: hey!!! so far my life is a montage of camps! anyways.. by 15 years old i was camp worker.. i was at first song leading and then in the games commitee.. other than church camps, school camps were fun too.. (: sec 1 oriantation camp, sec 2 NE camp, sec 3 advanture camp, sec 4 and sec 5 study camp and annual scouts and guides camp. of all these camps.. my most memorable ones are the ones held at st johns.. being a camper all i had to do was to listen to the gorgor and jiejie running the camp and planning games for us.. and my fav game of all time is the last night of camp.. war game!! (: when the sun goes down....... when the campfire is over....... when no one is tired despite all the games........ and the moon is up....... we get ready for war....... there was always 4 groups.. and 2 groups would join and combine.. war game had it's objectives, my fav was when we had to get the opponents banner.. we had to hide our banner, so some of us had to guard while others hunt for the opponents banner and the rest just wait to ambush! with water bombs in our hands.. we had P.O.W (prisonner of war), we had warriors.. haha (: and now that i have grown up, last year's junior's camp i was a worker and my sister was a camper.. and i was in the games commitee.. now i know how tough it is.. staying up late trying to get the games right, making sure that the campers would enjoy it.. going down to the park to check on our game site, sitting by the tap in the morning getting the water bombs ready.. it's a lot of work, but at the end of it the sense of satisfaction when the campers are having the time of their lives.. (: school camps... hmm.... my most unforgettable was sec 2 LTC camp.. it was held at pulau ubin, i love the high elements and the jetty jump! (: if my mum saw me doing that i think she would go bonkers.. anyways... i love camps.. and i'm hoping it wouldnt end so soon... cause i bet even when i'm 75 years old i'll still be attending camps!!!! haha (: we shall see.. alright, i shall end here and update more on sunday.. may be monday.. (:

Thursday, December 17, 2009 @ 6:48 PM
this year... 2009... well.. for me it's a love-hate year.. 2009 has taught me many things about friendship, trust, understanding and tolerance.. i hate this year cause of the countless conflicts, the countless fights and the countless misunderstandings.. you cannot imagine how stupid things can be.. the emotional roller coaster been though was terrible.. the headache and heartache.. the stress friends, teachers, family and studies has given me is undefinable, incomprehensible and unbearable.. the fights that happened between me and my friends were more or less inevitable.. but the fights were of the utmost stupid reason.. (: come to think of it it's really stupid.. i remember the FIRST fight with a friend of 5 years.. no names larh okay? (: this friend... hahahahahha... narh.. i'm not mocking this person, but that fight was stupid.. if you're thinking that i didn't forgive and forget, hell yea, you're wrong! (: i keep a diary.. and honestly, i wouldnt let anyone read my diaries.. not this year's one though.. cause it's just awful! you know the things a person writes when they're at the top of their anger and all kinds of thoughts flow in.. the things you wanna do then, the irrationality.. but thank God i wrote them down... cause reading it now, i'm glad i didnt do it.. i'm glad i didn't let my anger get the better of me.. this year came and is going fast.. i was blur about many things i wasnt myself.. i've said and done stupid things.. but hey! life is a montage of the stupid things a person does.. life is a montage of the failures they've been through.. life is a montage of the secret-good things a person does for another.. life is just another montage.. there is this saying "live life like there's no tomorrow and learn like there's always tomorrow"for some reason, i love life quotations.. like what my blog title says "life's too short to let a little set back pull you down" it's true.. why live life in anger, being angry at every damn thing that you cant get right.. i used to tell this friend of mine that mistakes are made for you to learn what not to do again.. this friend of mine was afraid that i would end our friendship.. but this person no longer regards me as a friend.. but nonetheless, life goes on. (: people make mistakes all the time, but dont keep looking back on it.. cause you'll end up telling yourself "i should have done this!" "urgh! i shouldnt have done that!" but whats the point? whats done, done, can't be undone.. in life there are 3 things that cannot be taken back, 1) the stone after the throw, 2) the words after it has been said, 3) the hurt that has been inflicted.. rationalism is very important.. being trustworthy is important also.. have you ever thought that "urgh, she doesnt need my help, someone else will come to her aid.." but havent you thought that no matter how much you dislike that person or how that person is a stranger to you, that person still needs your help.. cause you'll be in that position too.. ( no one is indispensable ) whoa.. i started out with the year 2009 and now i'm here.. hehes (: anyways.. it's linked.. (: i suppose this is the typical life of a teenager who is trying to find herself.. someone who wants to find herself at where she last saw and then lost..~sayonnara~p/s: is this long enough?!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 @ 6:57 PM

i love this dreamy picture (: nothing much to update though.. (: more after i return from camp.. pictures promised! (:
Labels: a good nights' sleep would do the trick
Monday, December 14, 2009 @ 8:48 PM
I was at People's Park food court yesterday.. and something struck me.. the fact that
there are people out there eating left over food and it does not just happen in drama series or cartoons. it's real. and it became very real to me during lunch yesterday.. it's
disheartening for me to see, cause i have an 88 year old nanny living with me. she has clothes to wear, food to eat and a rood over her head.. but this elderly i saw yesterday... only God knows how many clothes she has, how many times she eats a day and where she stays.. this elderly was waiting for people to finish their meal so that she has at least scraps to eat.. i didn't notice that she was hungry, i thought she only wanted to collect tin cans.. i only realised it when this family offered their bowl of yong tau foo, this bowl wasnt touched at all, although there wasnt any noddles, but the glow on the elderly's face was
priceless.. it really strike me hard, so hard that i'm now aware that there really is people like that out there.. my eyes are opened wider, and i'm so much more luckier.. i have a family, i have an education and i have a job. i get to go to japan and such.. but it's still disheartening.. really... i know that there are poor people out there, but it never occur to me that it would be that dire... such desperate positions are actually filled, and i doubt they enjoy that... honestly? NKF and all that... i've kinda lost my trust and hope in them after that fraud.. spare the needy please.. singapore... sigh.. it's like 2 extremes.. 2 extreme ends of financial status, 2 extreme ends of
compassion.. i hate to see this, but i can't think of anything to help at this point of time.. i'm in a position that i dont wanna be in,
but i'm not in that dire state.. i still can carry on, but what about them? i'm young, but they're not. i can tolerate, how long more can they tolerate?
well.. i'll pray for them then, just to give my heart some peace..
Labels: who has the key to free them from this misery
Sunday, December 13, 2009 @ 6:14 PM
hmm.. lets see..
counting down :
>> 5days till youth camp
>> 11 days till Christmas Eve Performance
>> 12 days till Chrismas
>> 16 days till Jasmine's birthday
>> 18 days till Evelyn's birthday
>> 19 days till 2010 commence
>> approximately 1 month till the release of GCE O level results
today today today.. went to church and got a surprise! (: Rina was there! She hasn't come to church in a long long long long long time! but! i'm happy she's here today.. but then Roda went to visit her grandfather's grave.. anyways.. my cake business is alright.. (: i'm gonna go for door to door next.. i doubt i'll have flyers cause' i feel that door to door would be a bette

r approach.. (:
Labels: i'm still not understanding
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 @ 8:32 PM

oh yes! had another sale today.. (: THANK YOU HE AN! haha (: no so bad though.. daddy and i thought of renting a push cart but its at $2600++++/mth! sigh...
well.. holidays has been boring so far... i can't believe that it has only been only nearly 1 month since the end of O levels... like.....
so slow?! anyways.. no job yet.. well.. apart from selling cakes there's nothing much.. i miss JAPAN!!! >.< i miss my new found friends.. ohwell. i suppose i should make good use of my remaining holidays.. what to do what to do.. hmm... anyways.. VOGUE didn't call me back, so i suppose all i can do is wait for that recruitment agency to call and give me a few days of work..
Tuesday, December 8, 2009 @ 2:55 PM
went to Lot 1 today, went into nearly all the retail outlets.. BATA, Ella, VOGUE, Popular, NLB, Kiddy Palace, BHG~ well.. VOGUE said that they'll call me back after reading my particulars.. gosh, i'm keeping my fingers crossed.. after that I went to Jalan Teck Whye to deliver the cakes that i'm selling. (: and once more, advertising for myself.. (: pictures of the cakes will be uploaded as soon as the pictures are sent to me. i personally, not being bias or anything, the cakes are really good, my favs are chocolate royaltine, durian, avoc

ado and chocolate truffle. (:
Labels: keeping my fingers crossed
Saturday, December 5, 2009 @ 5:30 PM
gosh.. i suppose i shall wait until monday.. and if there're no calls from any of the jobs that i have applied then i shall walk into any shop.. sigh.. i'm bored.. like seriously.. nothing much to blog though.. so far......... ......... i've been practicing my guitar.. (: i've just started picking it up again, so i'm kinda rusty at the chords.. from A to B to A to C to A to D to A to E to A to F to A to G... (: gosh.. can you imagine? i'm turning 18 soon! (: everybody is growing up.. (: growing up is so nice.. isn't it? alright, i suppose i should just end here before i bore anyone out.. (:
p/s: muster that ounce of courage? how much more time do i have?
Labels: i need a job PRONTO
@ 11:34 AM
i feel like this flower which has not yet bloom... i won't sit and wait though, but i'm unsure of what to do.. if only i had a set of instructions, but then life wouldn't have life anymore.. 

Labels: proper update later
Friday, December 4, 2009 @ 12:01 PM
woke up at 8.30am this morning.. had a quick bath and left home for Jurong East CPF building.. went there with my cousin for a job interview.. a part time job, they'll call you and you'll work for several days at wherever they assign you at. There's waitress, retail, stock-take and packaging. (: sigh.. but God-knows-when they'll call me.. so I called World of Sports and they told me that they'll call me back regarding a part time job for me. (:
p/s: wondering if.... .....
Labels: job job job
Thursday, December 3, 2009 @ 5:57 PM

ohyes! I'm going for a job interview tomorrow at Jurong East at 10am! darn.. it's a packaging job.. (: i'm kinda excited.. yay-yay-yay-yay! (: hmm.. today today today.. went out with Evelyn, Munyee, Yaowei and Sean. (: okay larh... nothing much.. just jalan jalan then we had lunch.. (:
see the fish there? see the fish in a net? I don't wanna be like that fish again.. I don't wanna to trap myself again.. though I wanna be, but may be it's not destiny.. I don't wanna force to have my way again, thinking that it's the best for me.. No one knows what's best for me, no one knows when thats best to do whats best for me.. No one, not you, not me, not anyone else.. Even the fortune teller can't tell what's ahead for me, for you.. No $100 can buy that larh.. but then again, there are sayings that say " happiness is made out of your own two hands" , and other sayings that say, " No one knows what tomorrow holds, destiny awaits you." which saying is true, or which saying is best to describe my situation now? gosh, close your eyes, listen to that melody, see yourself in the future, with white clouds and blue skies.. with eyes closed I see myself on a green grass patch, eyes transfixed on the sky, with someone beside me to share this joy i hold within me.. ohyes, up till now, i still wish to go away for a day, sit at this place alone with the wind blowing against my face, i'll watch the sun from dawn to dask, and as it retires to behind the horizons i shall take my leave, board the bus and head home. (:
p/s: i don't need you to make me a happy girl.. whether or not it happens, it doesn't matter, not now, not ever.. (:
Labels: i don't wanna be trapped again what am i to do this time
@ 10:29 AM
hello everyone! (:
check this out :
going out later.. (:
so far... the hols has been alright? i guess..
i'm still job hunting.. hmm...
gosh, i really need a job!
i really really need one.. like seriously...
no $$, plus i gotta start saving for my poly fees...
well.. i gotta contribute a little dont i? hees (:
gosh.. i can't wait for so many things.. i cant wait to get a job, i cant wait for christmas, i can't wait for new years day! oh yes! 2009 is FINALLY coming to an end! and i'm glad! glad that it's gonna be over.. suckish-goody year... but then again, tomorrow will definitely be better than today.. (: and 2010 will definitely be better than 2009..
remember to check that website out! (: