Saturday, November 28, 2009 @ 6:42 PM
i shall once again let the pictures do the talking.. TWPS gathering today.. more like a girls day out! haha (: definitely fun and definitely a more w

ell planned gathering next.. (:

Labels: nostalgia
@ 9:12 AM
good morning! (: hmm... nothing much happened these few days... other than going for a picnic with my friends later today, nothing special i guess.. i'm still on that job hunt.. darn... i really wanna find one where i dont have to work 6 days a week.. >.< sigh.. actually, reason being.. youth camp.. cant wait cant wait! (: but it's 3 weeks to youth camp... haiya.. is there a 5 day work week job? darn... sigh... sigh... sigh... and i'm even too lazy to change my blogskin... gotta find a job, wanna go out so bad man... how am i gonna survive 3 weeks?!
~signing out~
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 @ 5:01 PM
you know sometimes when a situation seems so bad and you hope it gets back to how it used to be? well, why can't you just look at the brighter side of things? taking to you yesterday made me feel that either i have matured or you're being an idiot.. you kept saying how good things were previously before the change, but why can't you adapt? humans are the best adaptors.. and not for one moment you said "hey, why can't i just change my way of life?" so far all you wanted was things to compromise to the way you want it to be and you have never compromised.. sure you contribute to certain people for quite a large fraction of your life, but so what? there are people who appreciate it, but you simply don't stop to listen. all you do is rant. you think that you're the only one with problems unsolved and the problems of others are peanuts. you think that you're the only one in a predicament so bad and others are just being lame larh. you think that you're wise but there's a great deal for you to learn about life. i can't tell you what life is about, but i can tell you what life isn't about. life isn't about cursing and swearing, life isn't about standing at the sidelines watching people suffer in their own misery, life isn't about making a situation the best for yourself. life isnt about being better than others, but being the best that you can. i bet right now you wanna say "if i suffer and compromise to others and who does it for me?" you have people who love you, you have a family. reach out to them may be you can be able to salvage what you've lost. but what's the point of me tell you face to face, i'm typing this here cause i know that you'll read. [ at least i think you would ] "I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you." John 14:18, i love this verse a lot. it makes me realise that when i don't feel like going to people for help i still have God to rely on. ~sayonnara~ (: p/s: i'm a happy girl todayLabels: make the best out of a situation not the other way around
Tuesday, November 24, 2009 @ 1:28 PM
prom night was better than i expected.. (: well.. at least better than how i thought it would be.. well.. let the pictures do the talking! (: didnt take much pics.. blaghs.. (:
a proper post next time.. (: ENJOY!

Sunday, November 22, 2009 @ 6:34 PM
today is the last day i put myself through deep thinking.. today i've realised that i was right long ago, right about simplicity.. and simplicity is definitely the way to go.. why rack brains about something so minor, though minor things can make a significant change.. but not thinking about it makes it better, you need not fine the best way, you need not sit and contemplate about what life is all about.. just live life the way it is.. one day at a time, one step at a time.. have fun when you're supposed to and be serious when there is a need to.. i feel anxiety and fear about the days ahead.. release of O lvls results and other general aspects.. okok.. i had better stop all these thinking.. i'm happier this way.. (: well.. about today.. nothing much... prom night is tomorrow and i'm e-x-c-i-t-e-d! i've got my dress, shoes

, watch, earrings and purse.. (:
Labels: no more thinking abi everything is gonna b fine
Friday, November 20, 2009 @ 10:13 PM
天啊。。 真的很闷!又闷又烦。。
gosh.. i think i better head back to getting down to my own research about the meaning of road names... i've been doing cross stitch for way too long! 2days in a row.. my head hurts.. it's as though i'm spinning round and round... how i wish i could just drop.. *poof* i've been feeling frustrated lately.. nothing much i guess... might go out with jasmine next week... find a job soon.. gosh.. i sound so pathetic... pfft... anyways.. i doubt i would be blogging for awhile.. doesnt seem like anyone is around reading or anything...
~sayonnara~ (:
Labels: 心里和脑里想的都不是同一样的事。。
Thursday, November 19, 2009 @ 5:59 PM
bought cross stitch yesterday and today to kill time... darn.. it sucks being at home.. well.. the next outting would be orchard ion, kallang and we're still thinking... it's seriously down right boring... i haven't plan to work yet.. soon though. i wanna have some fun with my friends before i kill myself with work.. *exaggeration* narh.. i think i might just work as a roller blading instructor... or whatever that comes by.. no obligations no nothing.. i would love to try something other than sales.. sigh! a serious case of nostalgia today... i dont know what's wrong.. but it felt great going back in time.. everything was so much calmer back then... the clouds goes pass you so slowly.. you hear the wind sing.. you see the grass dance.. but now.. now it's okay larh... days pass pretty slowly.. me on the couch doing my cross stitch... me on the chair practicing my guitar.. me on the computer trying to have some kind of inspiration.. all kinds of stories, all kinds of poems/lyrics.. you know? right now.. i feel kind of weird.. a weird weird kind of weird.. like seriously... like something is missing, like i've forgotten something or even someone... like a part of my brain is missing or something..
i dont like this weird weird feeling.. suckish.. suckish freakish feeling.. sickish eekish weirdish feeling.. mind throbbing, heartbreaking, bones cracking, eyes bulging feeling... werid... like something is gonna happen... something untoward? dire situation? mind throbbing, heartbreaking, bones cracking, eyes bulging situation? i feel crazy-weird.. well.. imaginations running wild is one thing.. but this is different.. like 6th sense sits in kind of feeling.. i feel like screaming but i dont feel like making any noise, i feel like hitting the wall but i dont fell like moving at all.. so contradictory...

Labels: loosening the grip
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 @ 6:05 PM

went to the tree top walk again.. but this time with Evelyn.. Munyee didn't go with us.. sigh.. the walk was fine.. we finished walking to Henderson Waves at around 12.20pm and then took a bus down to Vivo for lunch and jalan jalan... then i headed home by 2.30pm.. (: prom is in 5days! (: still stuck at home... haven't plan for any outtings yet... sigh... down right bored! and i've absolutely nothing to blog about other than blogging about how bored i am...
~signing out~

Labels: any clearer signs to tell me what to do
Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 6:34 AM

i woke up at 6.30am this morning... and i'm now blogging.. i kind of miss those days waking up extra early and i'll be at school by 6.30am.. my friends and i would sit at the courtyard and nobody would be there... life in sec 1 and 2 was innocent... it was the growing stage, how you would turn out to be mostly depended during then, cause' that was when it was most influential.. who your friends are, what kind of person they are, were important.. u still remember 'four girls' like... four girls always together be it in class, during recess or during cca... and then there was 老地方。。a place we sat and do nothing, a place we had fun, a place we had the stupidest fights.. up till now, the stupidest fight was during sec 1.. hahahahahhahhaha!! trust me, i CAN'T elaborate here, it's erm............ gross... there were many stupid fights... first time i encountered "trouble" was in sec 3.. there were countless confrontations.. countless accusations.. countless cold war.. countless patch ups... to me.. sec 3 was when i learnt to treasure friendship, the most important ones, i learnt to take a step back and compromise.. though in sec 3 my girls and i were separated, they took D&T and i took POA, we still get together after school, during recess, went to school together and such.. **it has been such a long time since i actually went out with them, like shopping and such.. like a real outing..** then came sec 4.. N levels... there were of course still fights, cold war and patch ups.. sec 4 was quite calm.. not much confrontations, lesser frictions.. it was okay... (: we helped each other to get through the stress period and such.. it was a busy year.. despite my busy schedule i found time towards the end of N levels to indulge myself in a relationship for 6.5months.. sec 5.. this year.. i love-hate this year! it had its perks and its downside... which sucked a great deal! r/s aside... as for studies.. i felt like i studied really hard and i felt like i slacked really hard too... suckish... urgh.. it's kind of annoying cause at times i feel so darn scared, scared to a point i can really pull my hair out.. and at other times it seems like nothing.. and the remaining times are just neutral... i love-hate sec 5 cause i fought only ONCE with junpeng... yes! it's a big deal cause he's my listening ear, apart from my closer girlfriends.. well.. this year was kind of suckish.. many things happened.. misunderstandings, quarrels, cold war, hits, cuts, cries... it's really suckish! like you really want this person to just simply stfu for a moment cause they're so darn noisy.. like seriously.. this year was the FIRST time Evelyn and i actually quarrelled... during the last 5 years we've never quarrelled... and no, i will not list them down cause they are down right stupid! like.. really really stupid.. but I'm glad it's behind me.. like.. this is by far the worst year of my life.. there may be more to come.. but that's so far.. things started to brighten up a little towards the end of the year... things seemed more in place weeks before O levels... head is finally above water... as for my relationship.. it ended early April... we haven't talked since then.. messaging stopped, calls stopped, friendship ended... this showed me how fragile a friendship can be, especially when 2 people don't know each other well... well.. lesson learnt.. (: and now... i suppose i want till the end of November to myself... and after prom it's gonna be endless outings! 5 years just pass and go so quickly.. 1825 days.. that isn't a lot... but there will be more to come..
Labels: breathe in - breathe out - in with the good - out with the bad
Saturday, November 14, 2009 @ 8:50 AM

imagine walking along this railway track, imagine you in the clothes of your ancestors, a stick in your hand with a bag at the end.. the thought of going away.... ..... going to a place where you can start anew, a whole new piece of paper to begin with.. you know, at times being alone is the best cure to a vexed heart and mind, when everything around you seems so wrong, being alone helps you think with a calm and cool mind, you're clearer and more aware.. although at other times you would rather talk to someone close..
~signs out~
Labels: i would love to be in this picture above
Friday, November 13, 2009 @ 5:06 PM
i was supposed to go to the dentist today.. but i woke up late.. darn... haha.. so daddy called the dental clinic to postpone my appointment to tomorrow.. (: yay. (:
so... i went to buy breakfast for my nanny and then headed down to lot 1 to meet jasmine and irena.. well.. the whole purpose was to return the slipper i borrowed from jasmine and to borrow some books regarding the meaning of road names in singapore.... (:
**gosh.. i forgot what i wanted to write.... >.<** gosh! urgh.. forget it...
hmm...... it's gonna be a long holiday.....
oh! i remember now!!!! (: borrowed those books to do my own research or just for my own gain of information... simply curious of the meaning of road names in singapore... for example, the ever so famous red hill.... it's cause of the blood of a prince or something.. right? i might be wrong.. but anyways... i wanna search up the meaning and then take a picture of the road and it's name based on my own interpretation... 5and a half months of hols is no joke when you have absolutely nothing to do.. anyone knows anyone who wants to hire a part time photographer? i wanna give it a shot... hopefully my portfolio can at least impress them to consider hiring me... was at a chalet bbq with my friends yesterday at aloha loyang.... ms sim asked if we were gonna do job hunting or not. so i told her i might wanna try to be a part time photographer.. so she asked me to try going to bridal studios and they might hire me to be an assistant... let's hope it works... well.. pat time photographer cause' of the freedom to express... last year i was in retails.. though i enjoyed doing sales.. i wanna try out something new... now that i have my portfolio, i can only hope that someone would hire me... (: tee hees... (: ohwell.. gonna go back to hitting my books... (: i seriously miss studying... one reason why i wanna find out the meanings... so that i can at least sit down at my desk and write a thing or two... (:
Labels: to tell or not to tell
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 @ 7:48 AM

cracked.. officially cracked yesterday.. broke down.. gosh.. well... held it back for a pretty long time... so yea... gosh! it's the last paper today! yay-ness! (: GCE O levels Science phy/chem MCQ. and i'm a free girl after 3pm today! woots! (: so many things planned out.. like seriously... tree top walk(s), orchard ion, ice skating, movie marathon, shopping, job hunting, photo taking, prom, graduation day! gosh... what am i to do? roller blading instructor or part time photographer.. honestly? i think my portfolio is in a total mess.. not impressive... or should i go back to world of sports? heh.. i dont know... nah... i doubt i'll go back to world of sports.. i'm looking for a job with flexible timings.. i need my social life you know.. haha! (: flexi.. hmm... my choices seem good... (: roller blading instructor..... photographer..... hmm... RBI, P, RBI, P......... gosh! both?! haha!! nonono... well.. alright, i gotta hit my books for the last time.. oh yes. can you imagine? the last time... the last time wearing school uniform to school for exams, last time in study mood.. blaghs.. gosh... ~sayonnara~
Labels: plucking the petals of this rose saying he loves me he loves me not
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 @ 2:34 PM
i had a case of nostalgia earlier just now... chinese went... erm... rather okay, i guess.. last paper tomorrow... apparently i dont feel excited about it.. happy, yes, but i'm feeling rather contradicting in contrast to the occasion.. i really wish things would slow down... mm... today... i felt something... i dont know what its called though... i couldnt look at "you" in the eye.. hardly though.. i wanna smile at you but you just make it seem so difficult.. i wanna drop hints but i couldnt find a proper way to do so.. may be cause i'm still afraid.. may be i'm just too coward to come out of this shell of mine... but i can smile when i see you from a distance.. i simply dont see why... "abigail how are you doing this again?!" if only someone can tell me what to do... Labels: re-typed over and over again
Monday, November 9, 2009 @ 8:08 PM
O level chinese tomorrow... all the best to those re-taking! go kill it!
it's 2 more paper and partyyyy here i come! woah! (:
just got three books from my cousin for me to read! yay.. (:
like so finally, i can sit bac, relax and be engrossed in a book i love! (:
Labels: you made my gray sky turn gorgeous blue
Sunday, November 8, 2009 @ 5:40 PM

imagine yourself sitting up there, at the peak of that mountain.. it's as though you're able to see the entire world from up there. imagine sitting up there, you wouldnt have to care about anything in the world! free to yourself.. walking about the terrains. lying down on that barren piece of land and guess what?! you're sandwiched by clouds.. being able to touch them brought a whole new way of viewing life.. you see better, clearer and you know what you want.. cause' the moment you go back down you're in that maze again.. but having the vision in your mind you know the fastest and best way out.. okok. may be not the fastest. but definitely the best.. i can definitely imagine myself up there with my father, closest friends and relatives. i might even set up camp there and set up my own tribe. have a world of our own where all are family.. and family help each other out.. family look out for one another.. family don't judge, family don't exploit, family don't hate... but then again, who said you were family, you merely stay under the same roof as i do.. since when was i family to you? you never cared, yes, i use never.. it's merely your parenting instincts.. so i say.. i might set up my own tribe.. set up a family of my own, with my own set rules.. i'll love my children, i'm not you.. i don't use threats against them.. i don't condemn them, neither will i make them feel inferior.. you just count yourself lucky that i don't believe any of your crap. cause i have visions of my own... i wanna do well for O levels and get on to poly or even jc.. plus i thank God for the rest of my family members to back me up when you're in your wildest outfit of rage. i also thank God for friends who are willing to listen to my whining and their shoulders for me to lean on.. i've never leaned and never will lean on you.. it's a good thing you taught me to be independent.. it's coming into good use.. i give up.. i dont wanna help you anymore.. cause you think that you're above everyone else.. when you fall, dont call out to me or anyone else for help.. trust me, save your breath for explanations cause no one will come to your aid.. the fact that you treat everyone like shit! spreading rumors like nobody's business.. heh.. i'd love to break it to you that you spread it to the wrong group of people.. so there, i'm done ranting!
Labels: evelyn i cant take it anymore larh
@ 1:41 AM
let the pictu

res do the talking

Saturday, November 7, 2009 @ 5:02 PM
gonna go for campfire later today.. (: slacked the whole day today.. sigh..
ohyes! because O levels is coming to an end!!! i can finally get down to reading! there's just so many! Romeo and Juliet (again!) Heidi, Pollyanna, The Hunchback of Notredame and the History of Stonehenge. ohyes, i just cant get enough of it.. i can't believe i won't be studying history anymore.. gosh! but it's finally over!!! (:
alright, i shall blog again later or probably tomorrow.. (:
Labels: will you catch me if i fall
Friday, November 6, 2009 @ 10:22 PM

I suddenly misses camp... gosh.. i miss all those times we stayed up to do patrol duty.. staying up for late night mcdonalds supper.. staying up just for the sake of staying up.. staying up with a bunch of crazy people.. i miss planning for games and such.. going on outtings and seeing the campers so happy.. the sense of satisfaction that you did a job well done.. oh! and not to forget the late night movies for the juniors while the seniors planned.. the savanger hunt, water games and bonding.. (: i kind of miss planning.. i kind of miss being with my friends in school late at night.. come to think of it i'm gonna leave school soon... O levels is coming to an end.. yes! i miss school.. cause of my friends of course.. (: all the staying back after school, the night studies and the intensive studies... let's hope they pay off.. gosh. i'm afraid.. hmm.. alright.. it's 'late' ... tee hees..
Labels: if only i knew whats on the other side of the line
@ 8:29 AM
good morning! (:
ohyes, do you see the lyrics column on the right hand side?
i'm gonna show you the rest of the lyrics.. (:
i just show you one verse and a chorus.. (:
here goes...
You took my breath away when you looked at me,With my hands in yours I wasn't uneasy,You kneeled down to see me eye to eye.We connected for a moment, (priceless)Silence filled our surroundings for a long long time,Silence gone when you spoke to me."Hey" was the first word you said to me,
but I kept silent still hoping for my sanity,knowing that it was just part of my fantasy.Still day dreaming of you and me.I thought I was in a dream,when I heard you asking me.I smiled and said "this can't be."But you came forward to place a kiss,and I answered : "I'll be on cloud nine after this."XD i dont know if it's good or not.. as in, if you ask me.. of course it's good!! i wrote it.. haha.. (:ohwell... gonna leave now for photo taking.. (:
Labels: i think i'm doing what i think i might be doing
Thursday, November 5, 2009 @ 1:50 PM
oh yes! O levels is finally coming to an end!! (:
happy happy happy!! (:
POA paper 1 and 2 today.. it went relatively well, considering the fact that i was freaking out before the paper started... >.<> hahaha! (: hmm... i might go photo taking tomorrow... i might... so you might wanna check out my photography blog tomorrow.. haha.. (: hmm.. the weather has been really really great.. so cooling.. (:
i've been feeling happy today.. for some reason i've been feeling ecstatic today.. smiling to myself all day as though i'm in love or something... haha.. (: i've been thinking lately of this one thing i wanna do after O levels... i'm gonna find myself a spot and sit down with my camera by my side.. (: switch off my phone and just enjoy the breeze.. i've been wanting to go away for half a day... away from everyone and everything... i just wanna be alone.. no.. being alone in my room is an entirely different thing... i wanna stay at this place for an entire afternoon.. morning if possible though.. to be at this place to simply enjoy the breeze... to watch the clouds go by and the time pass like nobody's business.. gosh... argh....... ............. *relaxed* alright.. i'm gonna continue slacking.. Labels: i wanna let you know that i've fallen but what if i'm wrong?
Saturday, November 28, 2009 @ 6:42 PM
i shall once again let the pictures do the talking.. TWPS gathering today.. more like a girls day out! haha (: definitely fun and definitely a more w

ell planned gathering next.. (:

Labels: nostalgia
@ 9:12 AM
good morning! (: hmm... nothing much happened these few days... other than going for a picnic with my friends later today, nothing special i guess.. i'm still on that job hunt.. darn... i really wanna find one where i dont have to work 6 days a week.. >.< sigh.. actually, reason being.. youth camp.. cant wait cant wait! (: but it's 3 weeks to youth camp... haiya.. is there a 5 day work week job? darn... sigh... sigh... sigh... and i'm even too lazy to change my blogskin... gotta find a job, wanna go out so bad man... how am i gonna survive 3 weeks?!
~signing out~
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 @ 5:01 PM
you know sometimes when a situation seems so bad and you hope it gets back to how it used to be? well, why can't you just look at the brighter side of things? taking to you yesterday made me feel that either i have matured or you're being an idiot.. you kept saying how good things were previously before the change, but why can't you adapt? humans are the best adaptors.. and not for one moment you said "hey, why can't i just change my way of life?" so far all you wanted was things to compromise to the way you want it to be and you have never compromised.. sure you contribute to certain people for quite a large fraction of your life, but so what? there are people who appreciate it, but you simply don't stop to listen. all you do is rant. you think that you're the only one with problems unsolved and the problems of others are peanuts. you think that you're the only one in a predicament so bad and others are just being lame larh. you think that you're wise but there's a great deal for you to learn about life. i can't tell you what life is about, but i can tell you what life isn't about. life isn't about cursing and swearing, life isn't about standing at the sidelines watching people suffer in their own misery, life isn't about making a situation the best for yourself. life isnt about being better than others, but being the best that you can. i bet right now you wanna say "if i suffer and compromise to others and who does it for me?" you have people who love you, you have a family. reach out to them may be you can be able to salvage what you've lost. but what's the point of me tell you face to face, i'm typing this here cause i know that you'll read. [ at least i think you would ] "I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you." John 14:18, i love this verse a lot. it makes me realise that when i don't feel like going to people for help i still have God to rely on. ~sayonnara~ (: p/s: i'm a happy girl todayLabels: make the best out of a situation not the other way around
Tuesday, November 24, 2009 @ 1:28 PM
prom night was better than i expected.. (: well.. at least better than how i thought it would be.. well.. let the pictures do the talking! (: didnt take much pics.. blaghs.. (:
a proper post next time.. (: ENJOY!

Sunday, November 22, 2009 @ 6:34 PM
today is the last day i put myself through deep thinking.. today i've realised that i was right long ago, right about simplicity.. and simplicity is definitely the way to go.. why rack brains about something so minor, though minor things can make a significant change.. but not thinking about it makes it better, you need not fine the best way, you need not sit and contemplate about what life is all about.. just live life the way it is.. one day at a time, one step at a time.. have fun when you're supposed to and be serious when there is a need to.. i feel anxiety and fear about the days ahead.. release of O lvls results and other general aspects.. okok.. i had better stop all these thinking.. i'm happier this way.. (: well.. about today.. nothing much... prom night is tomorrow and i'm e-x-c-i-t-e-d! i've got my dress, shoes

, watch, earrings and purse.. (:
Labels: no more thinking abi everything is gonna b fine
Friday, November 20, 2009 @ 10:13 PM
天啊。。 真的很闷!又闷又烦。。
gosh.. i think i better head back to getting down to my own research about the meaning of road names... i've been doing cross stitch for way too long! 2days in a row.. my head hurts.. it's as though i'm spinning round and round... how i wish i could just drop.. *poof* i've been feeling frustrated lately.. nothing much i guess... might go out with jasmine next week... find a job soon.. gosh.. i sound so pathetic... pfft... anyways.. i doubt i would be blogging for awhile.. doesnt seem like anyone is around reading or anything...
~sayonnara~ (:
Labels: 心里和脑里想的都不是同一样的事。。
Thursday, November 19, 2009 @ 5:59 PM
bought cross stitch yesterday and today to kill time... darn.. it sucks being at home.. well.. the next outting would be orchard ion, kallang and we're still thinking... it's seriously down right boring... i haven't plan to work yet.. soon though. i wanna have some fun with my friends before i kill myself with work.. *exaggeration* narh.. i think i might just work as a roller blading instructor... or whatever that comes by.. no obligations no nothing.. i would love to try something other than sales.. sigh! a serious case of nostalgia today... i dont know what's wrong.. but it felt great going back in time.. everything was so much calmer back then... the clouds goes pass you so slowly.. you hear the wind sing.. you see the grass dance.. but now.. now it's okay larh... days pass pretty slowly.. me on the couch doing my cross stitch... me on the chair practicing my guitar.. me on the computer trying to have some kind of inspiration.. all kinds of stories, all kinds of poems/lyrics.. you know? right now.. i feel kind of weird.. a weird weird kind of weird.. like seriously... like something is missing, like i've forgotten something or even someone... like a part of my brain is missing or something..
i dont like this weird weird feeling.. suckish.. suckish freakish feeling.. sickish eekish weirdish feeling.. mind throbbing, heartbreaking, bones cracking, eyes bulging feeling... werid... like something is gonna happen... something untoward? dire situation? mind throbbing, heartbreaking, bones cracking, eyes bulging situation? i feel crazy-weird.. well.. imaginations running wild is one thing.. but this is different.. like 6th sense sits in kind of feeling.. i feel like screaming but i dont feel like making any noise, i feel like hitting the wall but i dont fell like moving at all.. so contradictory...

Labels: loosening the grip
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 @ 6:05 PM

went to the tree top walk again.. but this time with Evelyn.. Munyee didn't go with us.. sigh.. the walk was fine.. we finished walking to Henderson Waves at around 12.20pm and then took a bus down to Vivo for lunch and jalan jalan... then i headed home by 2.30pm.. (: prom is in 5days! (: still stuck at home... haven't plan for any outtings yet... sigh... down right bored! and i've absolutely nothing to blog about other than blogging about how bored i am...
~signing out~

Labels: any clearer signs to tell me what to do
Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 6:34 AM

i woke up at 6.30am this morning... and i'm now blogging.. i kind of miss those days waking up extra early and i'll be at school by 6.30am.. my friends and i would sit at the courtyard and nobody would be there... life in sec 1 and 2 was innocent... it was the growing stage, how you would turn out to be mostly depended during then, cause' that was when it was most influential.. who your friends are, what kind of person they are, were important.. u still remember 'four girls' like... four girls always together be it in class, during recess or during cca... and then there was 老地方。。a place we sat and do nothing, a place we had fun, a place we had the stupidest fights.. up till now, the stupidest fight was during sec 1.. hahahahahhahhaha!! trust me, i CAN'T elaborate here, it's erm............ gross... there were many stupid fights... first time i encountered "trouble" was in sec 3.. there were countless confrontations.. countless accusations.. countless cold war.. countless patch ups... to me.. sec 3 was when i learnt to treasure friendship, the most important ones, i learnt to take a step back and compromise.. though in sec 3 my girls and i were separated, they took D&T and i took POA, we still get together after school, during recess, went to school together and such.. **it has been such a long time since i actually went out with them, like shopping and such.. like a real outing..** then came sec 4.. N levels... there were of course still fights, cold war and patch ups.. sec 4 was quite calm.. not much confrontations, lesser frictions.. it was okay... (: we helped each other to get through the stress period and such.. it was a busy year.. despite my busy schedule i found time towards the end of N levels to indulge myself in a relationship for 6.5months.. sec 5.. this year.. i love-hate this year! it had its perks and its downside... which sucked a great deal! r/s aside... as for studies.. i felt like i studied really hard and i felt like i slacked really hard too... suckish... urgh.. it's kind of annoying cause at times i feel so darn scared, scared to a point i can really pull my hair out.. and at other times it seems like nothing.. and the remaining times are just neutral... i love-hate sec 5 cause i fought only ONCE with junpeng... yes! it's a big deal cause he's my listening ear, apart from my closer girlfriends.. well.. this year was kind of suckish.. many things happened.. misunderstandings, quarrels, cold war, hits, cuts, cries... it's really suckish! like you really want this person to just simply stfu for a moment cause they're so darn noisy.. like seriously.. this year was the FIRST time Evelyn and i actually quarrelled... during the last 5 years we've never quarrelled... and no, i will not list them down cause they are down right stupid! like.. really really stupid.. but I'm glad it's behind me.. like.. this is by far the worst year of my life.. there may be more to come.. but that's so far.. things started to brighten up a little towards the end of the year... things seemed more in place weeks before O levels... head is finally above water... as for my relationship.. it ended early April... we haven't talked since then.. messaging stopped, calls stopped, friendship ended... this showed me how fragile a friendship can be, especially when 2 people don't know each other well... well.. lesson learnt.. (: and now... i suppose i want till the end of November to myself... and after prom it's gonna be endless outings! 5 years just pass and go so quickly.. 1825 days.. that isn't a lot... but there will be more to come..
Labels: breathe in - breathe out - in with the good - out with the bad
Saturday, November 14, 2009 @ 8:50 AM

imagine walking along this railway track, imagine you in the clothes of your ancestors, a stick in your hand with a bag at the end.. the thought of going away.... ..... going to a place where you can start anew, a whole new piece of paper to begin with.. you know, at times being alone is the best cure to a vexed heart and mind, when everything around you seems so wrong, being alone helps you think with a calm and cool mind, you're clearer and more aware.. although at other times you would rather talk to someone close..
~signs out~
Labels: i would love to be in this picture above
Friday, November 13, 2009 @ 5:06 PM
i was supposed to go to the dentist today.. but i woke up late.. darn... haha.. so daddy called the dental clinic to postpone my appointment to tomorrow.. (: yay. (:
so... i went to buy breakfast for my nanny and then headed down to lot 1 to meet jasmine and irena.. well.. the whole purpose was to return the slipper i borrowed from jasmine and to borrow some books regarding the meaning of road names in singapore.... (:
**gosh.. i forgot what i wanted to write.... >.<** gosh! urgh.. forget it...
hmm...... it's gonna be a long holiday.....
oh! i remember now!!!! (: borrowed those books to do my own research or just for my own gain of information... simply curious of the meaning of road names in singapore... for example, the ever so famous red hill.... it's cause of the blood of a prince or something.. right? i might be wrong.. but anyways... i wanna search up the meaning and then take a picture of the road and it's name based on my own interpretation... 5and a half months of hols is no joke when you have absolutely nothing to do.. anyone knows anyone who wants to hire a part time photographer? i wanna give it a shot... hopefully my portfolio can at least impress them to consider hiring me... was at a chalet bbq with my friends yesterday at aloha loyang.... ms sim asked if we were gonna do job hunting or not. so i told her i might wanna try to be a part time photographer.. so she asked me to try going to bridal studios and they might hire me to be an assistant... let's hope it works... well.. pat time photographer cause' of the freedom to express... last year i was in retails.. though i enjoyed doing sales.. i wanna try out something new... now that i have my portfolio, i can only hope that someone would hire me... (: tee hees... (: ohwell.. gonna go back to hitting my books... (: i seriously miss studying... one reason why i wanna find out the meanings... so that i can at least sit down at my desk and write a thing or two... (:
Labels: to tell or not to tell
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 @ 7:48 AM

cracked.. officially cracked yesterday.. broke down.. gosh.. well... held it back for a pretty long time... so yea... gosh! it's the last paper today! yay-ness! (: GCE O levels Science phy/chem MCQ. and i'm a free girl after 3pm today! woots! (: so many things planned out.. like seriously... tree top walk(s), orchard ion, ice skating, movie marathon, shopping, job hunting, photo taking, prom, graduation day! gosh... what am i to do? roller blading instructor or part time photographer.. honestly? i think my portfolio is in a total mess.. not impressive... or should i go back to world of sports? heh.. i dont know... nah... i doubt i'll go back to world of sports.. i'm looking for a job with flexible timings.. i need my social life you know.. haha! (: flexi.. hmm... my choices seem good... (: roller blading instructor..... photographer..... hmm... RBI, P, RBI, P......... gosh! both?! haha!! nonono... well.. alright, i gotta hit my books for the last time.. oh yes. can you imagine? the last time... the last time wearing school uniform to school for exams, last time in study mood.. blaghs.. gosh... ~sayonnara~
Labels: plucking the petals of this rose saying he loves me he loves me not
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 @ 2:34 PM
i had a case of nostalgia earlier just now... chinese went... erm... rather okay, i guess.. last paper tomorrow... apparently i dont feel excited about it.. happy, yes, but i'm feeling rather contradicting in contrast to the occasion.. i really wish things would slow down... mm... today... i felt something... i dont know what its called though... i couldnt look at "you" in the eye.. hardly though.. i wanna smile at you but you just make it seem so difficult.. i wanna drop hints but i couldnt find a proper way to do so.. may be cause i'm still afraid.. may be i'm just too coward to come out of this shell of mine... but i can smile when i see you from a distance.. i simply dont see why... "abigail how are you doing this again?!" if only someone can tell me what to do... Labels: re-typed over and over again
Monday, November 9, 2009 @ 8:08 PM
O level chinese tomorrow... all the best to those re-taking! go kill it!
it's 2 more paper and partyyyy here i come! woah! (:
just got three books from my cousin for me to read! yay.. (:
like so finally, i can sit bac, relax and be engrossed in a book i love! (:
Labels: you made my gray sky turn gorgeous blue
Sunday, November 8, 2009 @ 5:40 PM

imagine yourself sitting up there, at the peak of that mountain.. it's as though you're able to see the entire world from up there. imagine sitting up there, you wouldnt have to care about anything in the world! free to yourself.. walking about the terrains. lying down on that barren piece of land and guess what?! you're sandwiched by clouds.. being able to touch them brought a whole new way of viewing life.. you see better, clearer and you know what you want.. cause' the moment you go back down you're in that maze again.. but having the vision in your mind you know the fastest and best way out.. okok. may be not the fastest. but definitely the best.. i can definitely imagine myself up there with my father, closest friends and relatives. i might even set up camp there and set up my own tribe. have a world of our own where all are family.. and family help each other out.. family look out for one another.. family don't judge, family don't exploit, family don't hate... but then again, who said you were family, you merely stay under the same roof as i do.. since when was i family to you? you never cared, yes, i use never.. it's merely your parenting instincts.. so i say.. i might set up my own tribe.. set up a family of my own, with my own set rules.. i'll love my children, i'm not you.. i don't use threats against them.. i don't condemn them, neither will i make them feel inferior.. you just count yourself lucky that i don't believe any of your crap. cause i have visions of my own... i wanna do well for O levels and get on to poly or even jc.. plus i thank God for the rest of my family members to back me up when you're in your wildest outfit of rage. i also thank God for friends who are willing to listen to my whining and their shoulders for me to lean on.. i've never leaned and never will lean on you.. it's a good thing you taught me to be independent.. it's coming into good use.. i give up.. i dont wanna help you anymore.. cause you think that you're above everyone else.. when you fall, dont call out to me or anyone else for help.. trust me, save your breath for explanations cause no one will come to your aid.. the fact that you treat everyone like shit! spreading rumors like nobody's business.. heh.. i'd love to break it to you that you spread it to the wrong group of people.. so there, i'm done ranting!
Labels: evelyn i cant take it anymore larh
@ 1:41 AM
let the pictu

res do the talking

Saturday, November 7, 2009 @ 5:02 PM
gonna go for campfire later today.. (: slacked the whole day today.. sigh..
ohyes! because O levels is coming to an end!!! i can finally get down to reading! there's just so many! Romeo and Juliet (again!) Heidi, Pollyanna, The Hunchback of Notredame and the History of Stonehenge. ohyes, i just cant get enough of it.. i can't believe i won't be studying history anymore.. gosh! but it's finally over!!! (:
alright, i shall blog again later or probably tomorrow.. (:
Labels: will you catch me if i fall
Friday, November 6, 2009 @ 10:22 PM

I suddenly misses camp... gosh.. i miss all those times we stayed up to do patrol duty.. staying up for late night mcdonalds supper.. staying up just for the sake of staying up.. staying up with a bunch of crazy people.. i miss planning for games and such.. going on outtings and seeing the campers so happy.. the sense of satisfaction that you did a job well done.. oh! and not to forget the late night movies for the juniors while the seniors planned.. the savanger hunt, water games and bonding.. (: i kind of miss planning.. i kind of miss being with my friends in school late at night.. come to think of it i'm gonna leave school soon... O levels is coming to an end.. yes! i miss school.. cause of my friends of course.. (: all the staying back after school, the night studies and the intensive studies... let's hope they pay off.. gosh. i'm afraid.. hmm.. alright.. it's 'late' ... tee hees..
Labels: if only i knew whats on the other side of the line
@ 8:29 AM
good morning! (:
ohyes, do you see the lyrics column on the right hand side?
i'm gonna show you the rest of the lyrics.. (:
i just show you one verse and a chorus.. (:
here goes...
You took my breath away when you looked at me,With my hands in yours I wasn't uneasy,You kneeled down to see me eye to eye.We connected for a moment, (priceless)Silence filled our surroundings for a long long time,Silence gone when you spoke to me."Hey" was the first word you said to me,
but I kept silent still hoping for my sanity,knowing that it was just part of my fantasy.Still day dreaming of you and me.I thought I was in a dream,when I heard you asking me.I smiled and said "this can't be."But you came forward to place a kiss,and I answered : "I'll be on cloud nine after this."XD i dont know if it's good or not.. as in, if you ask me.. of course it's good!! i wrote it.. haha.. (:ohwell... gonna leave now for photo taking.. (:
Labels: i think i'm doing what i think i might be doing
Thursday, November 5, 2009 @ 1:50 PM
oh yes! O levels is finally coming to an end!! (:
happy happy happy!! (:
POA paper 1 and 2 today.. it went relatively well, considering the fact that i was freaking out before the paper started... >.<> hahaha! (: hmm... i might go photo taking tomorrow... i might... so you might wanna check out my photography blog tomorrow.. haha.. (: hmm.. the weather has been really really great.. so cooling.. (:
i've been feeling happy today.. for some reason i've been feeling ecstatic today.. smiling to myself all day as though i'm in love or something... haha.. (: i've been thinking lately of this one thing i wanna do after O levels... i'm gonna find myself a spot and sit down with my camera by my side.. (: switch off my phone and just enjoy the breeze.. i've been wanting to go away for half a day... away from everyone and everything... i just wanna be alone.. no.. being alone in my room is an entirely different thing... i wanna stay at this place for an entire afternoon.. morning if possible though.. to be at this place to simply enjoy the breeze... to watch the clouds go by and the time pass like nobody's business.. gosh... argh....... ............. *relaxed* alright.. i'm gonna continue slacking.. Labels: i wanna let you know that i've fallen but what if i'm wrong?