Tuesday, August 18, 2009 @ 4:51 AM

sometimes you feel as though you know something for a long time, and you judge it, condemn it and even wrong it. unknowingly wrong, but you think you're right anyway.. you treat it like a thing there for you to place your criticism at, thinking it doesn't have feelings like you or me, [rephrase] thinking it doesn't have feelings like me and others, not you, cause' i doubt you give two hoots anyway.. you think that the people are the people you think are people and the others are insignificant. well, an insignificant figure such as yourself should really just shut the hell up..
what makes you think that all your judgements are right? what makes you think that your constructive criticism are appreciated? cause' those whom you do it to ain't people to you anymore. you think that the only people are the people you think are people.. open your eyes, better yet, open your heart, not for me, i don't need such 'Charity' .. open your heart to those who are people, those people with feelings like me and the others.. i don't understand why you like, in fact enjoy making people feel inferior when they're normal, unlike you. and yet, all i did was watch by the sidelines.. i tried to do something about it, but it's not as though you cared anyways.. i know of the things that you denied, afraid of being exposed.. i know of who started the ending of something once beautiful.. it all points right back at you.. how many people do you want? that they have to end up tolerating all this shit you've been up to! i know them, i know you, and how i wished i didnt have to know you.. let's just say, i'd rather we be acquaintance than 'friends' for that matter. you and your passé can have your own fun without the extend of being a pest to others..
p/s: just like junk, you're a piece of shit and i'm a piece of junk! haha!! right evelyn? (:
Labels: you make me wanna end my life once and for all but you're not worth it
Sunday, August 16, 2009 @ 8:18 PM
i can finally say "finally"finally broke off from all those stress.. (:
gosh... these few days has been alright.. (:
let the picture do the talking.. (:
That is Munyee being crazy!
"eh! robot at a party!!! whoa! "
overall, there's really nothing to talk about...
Labels: my eyes hurt from all the crying cause you looked away
Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 7:48 PM

if the black slipper belongs to me, who does the other belong to? That pair of clogs seem familiar, as through i've seen it in my dreams. But in my dreams that pair of clogs belonged to you, if i open the door who would i see sitting there waiting for me?
gosh.. today was rough!
went to school, which was totally boring! Initially decided not to go to temasek cause' i wanted to have my lump checked, but as soon as i reached the polyclinic i was told that it was compulsory.. so i left for temasek.. well.. we missed the impt parts.. so yea... i bet Ms Lee is gonna be really angry..
p/s: seemed like a dream to me
Thursday, August 13, 2009 @ 7:36 PM
currently feeling moody...
no mood to blog..
anyways... all the best to those collecting their O level MT results on the 19th! (:
p/s: live like you were gonna die tomorrow, learn like there'll always be a tomorrow (:
Labels: 我想像个三岁小孩无忧无虑的过日子
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 @ 8:53 PM
gosh.. it would be so nice if i could get away from here..
stress is getting on again.. >.<
currently no destressing method cause' computer's sound not fixed yet!!!
i wanna watch my comedy series!!! rar!!
i feel crazy-lethagic today...
i think i'm gonna break down soon... i'll fall flat and not move for days.. >.<
but i cant afford to do that now...
whoa.. >.<>.<
i need... desperately need a destressing technique!!!!
Labels: cheaters dont prosper
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 9:15 PM
whoa!!!! finally home... gosh..
10 days to prelims.. >.<
today? well... it was...................... okay la.. (:
i've got a feeling a rumour is coming up soon... sigh.. but then again, no rumours no drama rama..
haha!!! (: nah, fine with that...
ohyes, another thing, i would like to apologise for the false alarm..
yala.. O lvl MT paper results wasn't released today...
p/s: currently no mood.. my mood is all focused on typing elsewhere! (:
Labels: dont take life so seriously after all no one gets outta it alive
Monday, August 10, 2009 @ 6:54 PM

certain things cant be replaced..
but what's lost, lost, irretrievable.
may be apologies don't work this way..
may be things are meant as it is now..
at times when you think that trying might just do the trick, you're very well wrong.
that was what i thought..
i thought i could just leave it there for a moment,
didnt expect a split second to take it away.
you know, sometimes you wanna let your imagination run as wild as possible, but you're afraid that it might take away your sense of reality, well.. just let it run..
like the wild horse in the wild wild west!
let it run like the wind..
back to the main topic..
apologies? i don't know what else to say..
it's said and done.. but can't it be changed?
the amount of time and effort can be seen through this picture, the sincerity is there,
i'm sure..
Labels: my legs seem unwilling to move when your presence is felt
@ 6:04 PM
alright, about today..
went out with Evelyn.. had lunch then headed down to CCK and Teck Whye..
told my dad that i wanted today to slack and destress considering what has happened so far..
drama rama.. geesh.. pfft...
and so he agreed! (: yala.. daddy's girl.. XD but then i'm not like those daddy's girl okay!
bought a math guide book for O level preparations.. (:
gosh... gotta remind myself to bring a camera everytime i go out!!!
hehe.. photographer in training.. (:
it felt nice going back to Teck Whye.. (:
so peaceful, windy.. and most definitely more homely..
sigh... okay, gotta admit, i miss my old home! >.< color="#ff0000">oh yes oh yes!! i wanna go on a shopping spree!!!!!
save money save money!!
-slogen tees
-scarf? may be.. may be not..
>> Bugis!
>> Orchard!
>> CCK!
mua hahaha!!
:: Total budget : $300?
estimated value: [dependent on how many i buy]
slogen tees = $30
vest = $15
shorts = $20
flatties = $30
belt = $10
necklace = $20
bracelet = $10
hehehe! budget is more than enough!!!!!!
Labels: as if the drama would stop
@ 5:22 PM
as promised, the photos.. (:
alright, give credit to my dad and myself for these pictures taken! (: credit to the photographers not the camera! haha (: enjoy! (:

Sunday, August 9, 2009 @ 10:17 PM
HAPPY NATIONAL DAY SINGAPORE!! (:gosh! what a day... my mum got 5 tickets to the Young NTUC National day celebration at Padang. well... it was alright, considering the fact that my dad and i 'sneaked' off to Marina Bay to take pictures!! eh! stood there like an idiot for more than an hour waiting for the boats to start their 'performance'.. but then again, it was worth the wait.. XD *pictures will be uploaded asap! (:other than that? nothing much though.. homework, done! revision, more or less done! (:
oh yes! to those who took 2009 GCE O LEVEL MOTHER TONGUE PAPER, the results will be released on the 11th of August 2009! it's a tuesday! wah!! the anticipation is really killing me!!!!
all the best to all yea! (:
B3 B3!!! A2 better still.. haha!! (:
please e-mail your contact to me if you're interested in a get together after the O levels.. (:
i'd send an e-mail to those i know soon.. (:
~good night~
p/s: take time off to enjoy things you see along the road, dont think that you can just let it pass by first and make a turn later, cause' it aint gonna be there later.. but then this? i'll pass it cause' i dont plan to turn back for it.
Labels: salvage it not be a savage to it
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @ 1:55 PM
computer finally repaired! (: happy happy happy..
alright, some inspirational post! mua hahaha!
******here goes******
You make me see the sun rise up,
You make me see how the mountains move,
But when you left the sun went to beyond the horizons,
The mountains stayed still in the wind.
Come back please,
Make my world beautiful again,
My yesterdays were beautiful,
My today was dull and mundane,
My tomorrows won’t be like yesterdays anymore.
you know at times when you think you're alone, but you're not.
at times you wanna just let it all go but cant..
sometimes seeing someone makes your blood boil but a smile appears after that.
occasionally popping my head out to catch a glimpse..
sometimes to no avail, sometimes luck was on my side..
you know, it seems like a thousand years ago.
it also seems like only yesterday..
like you words right?
but cant confirm that right?
then again, would someone please tell me?
why hide?
this aint something personal,
unlike a secret-less diary..
though with no secrets but personal.
alright! inspired eh! haha! (:
credit goes to Ryan Tan! (:
his blog is always filled with lyrics that apparently has got nothing to do with him.. haha!!!
weird! weird fellow! mua hahaha!!
p/s: ryan, joking only la... haha! weirdo! jkjk (:
Labels: high on ecstasy
Monday, August 3, 2009 @ 2:35 PM
you know? within a few days i've learnt:
-expect the unexpected
-know the unknown
-make contradictions
-cry when there's the need
-tolerate whenever possible
-never flare up
slap yourself twice if you think i'm wrong! haha! (: nah... feeling kinda sentimental today.. i see people falling in love,
i see people falling out,
i see people changing both for the better and for the worse,
i see patch-ups, i see break-ups,
i see myself sometimes dying in the middle..
at times i wanna be alone...
at times i wanna go somewhere alone..
to find the peace and quiet that i need...
everything is at full speed ahead,
too many drama at once..
drama rama at school,
drama rama at home..
the tension is there..
gosh.. how i wish everything would somehow come to a complete halt...
really, seriously,
if for a moment everyone could just stop and feel the calmness...
wouldn't it be great?
and at that moment there wouldnt be any hurt,
everything would be so lovely.
but then again, quoted from the curious case of benjamin button : "if you dont lose someone you'd never know how much you love them." which is true, that i can vouch for. (:
star light star bright, first star i see tonight, i wish i may, i wish i might get my wish tonight,i wanna go somewhere, a place where no one will find me.. a place where i can hear my own heartbeat.. with the salty breeze blowing against my face, where my phone will be switched off and the only way of communication would be telephathy..i sometimes find myself hyper at a moment and the urge of crying at the next..
well... school? it's alright today.. (: as crazy as ever.. haha! (:
eh!!!!! this friday!!! goodness gracious!!! this friday is national day celebration!!! >.<
wah!!! i hope i wont get so scared and forget the lyrics!! haha!!
"breathe Abigail breathe..."
haha! wish me all the best! and also to Odilia and SiNing! (:
Sunday, August 2, 2009 @ 7:01 PM
argh! sunday already?! haha!
school tomorrow... sigh..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATHANIEL!!did i miss out anyone on my "coming soon" list?
i hope not... (: gonna end here.. i've got nothing else to add... (:
Take care everyone! (:
Labels: secretly high on ecstasy
Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 2:53 PM
no msn for the time being.. i'd only be blogging.. haha!
woke up at 7.30am today..
got ready and met Evelyn at the LRT station, we then headed to CCK polyclinic to get my knees checked.. (:
and i'm SUPER glad to say that there's noting wrong, it's just fluid or water retention..
Quoted from my report:
"Clinical history: Crepitus. Suprapatellar swelling.
Radiographs of the right knee joint."
yea.. took an x-ray.. haha!
hmm... at least it's alright.. (:
THANK YOU EVELYN AND MUNYEE FOR ACCOMPANYING ME THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE MORNING!! yala... Ryan also la.. he was there for a little while only.. haha!! (:*************ohwell... happy
SWEET sixteen to Kai Loon and Kai Hui! (: Labels: i didnt get your reply but then again who cares
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 @ 4:51 AM

sometimes you feel as though you know something for a long time, and you judge it, condemn it and even wrong it. unknowingly wrong, but you think you're right anyway.. you treat it like a thing there for you to place your criticism at, thinking it doesn't have feelings like you or me, [rephrase] thinking it doesn't have feelings like me and others, not you, cause' i doubt you give two hoots anyway.. you think that the people are the people you think are people and the others are insignificant. well, an insignificant figure such as yourself should really just shut the hell up..
what makes you think that all your judgements are right? what makes you think that your constructive criticism are appreciated? cause' those whom you do it to ain't people to you anymore. you think that the only people are the people you think are people.. open your eyes, better yet, open your heart, not for me, i don't need such 'Charity' .. open your heart to those who are people, those people with feelings like me and the others.. i don't understand why you like, in fact enjoy making people feel inferior when they're normal, unlike you. and yet, all i did was watch by the sidelines.. i tried to do something about it, but it's not as though you cared anyways.. i know of the things that you denied, afraid of being exposed.. i know of who started the ending of something once beautiful.. it all points right back at you.. how many people do you want? that they have to end up tolerating all this shit you've been up to! i know them, i know you, and how i wished i didnt have to know you.. let's just say, i'd rather we be acquaintance than 'friends' for that matter. you and your passé can have your own fun without the extend of being a pest to others..
p/s: just like junk, you're a piece of shit and i'm a piece of junk! haha!! right evelyn? (:
Labels: you make me wanna end my life once and for all but you're not worth it
Sunday, August 16, 2009 @ 8:18 PM
i can finally say "finally"finally broke off from all those stress.. (:
gosh... these few days has been alright.. (:
let the picture do the talking.. (:
That is Munyee being crazy!
"eh! robot at a party!!! whoa! "
overall, there's really nothing to talk about...
Labels: my eyes hurt from all the crying cause you looked away
Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 7:48 PM

if the black slipper belongs to me, who does the other belong to? That pair of clogs seem familiar, as through i've seen it in my dreams. But in my dreams that pair of clogs belonged to you, if i open the door who would i see sitting there waiting for me?
gosh.. today was rough!
went to school, which was totally boring! Initially decided not to go to temasek cause' i wanted to have my lump checked, but as soon as i reached the polyclinic i was told that it was compulsory.. so i left for temasek.. well.. we missed the impt parts.. so yea... i bet Ms Lee is gonna be really angry..
p/s: seemed like a dream to me
Thursday, August 13, 2009 @ 7:36 PM
currently feeling moody...
no mood to blog..
anyways... all the best to those collecting their O level MT results on the 19th! (:
p/s: live like you were gonna die tomorrow, learn like there'll always be a tomorrow (:
Labels: 我想像个三岁小孩无忧无虑的过日子
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 @ 8:53 PM
gosh.. it would be so nice if i could get away from here..
stress is getting on again.. >.<
currently no destressing method cause' computer's sound not fixed yet!!!
i wanna watch my comedy series!!! rar!!
i feel crazy-lethagic today...
i think i'm gonna break down soon... i'll fall flat and not move for days.. >.<
but i cant afford to do that now...
whoa.. >.<>.<
i need... desperately need a destressing technique!!!!
Labels: cheaters dont prosper
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 9:15 PM
whoa!!!! finally home... gosh..
10 days to prelims.. >.<
today? well... it was...................... okay la.. (:
i've got a feeling a rumour is coming up soon... sigh.. but then again, no rumours no drama rama..
haha!!! (: nah, fine with that...
ohyes, another thing, i would like to apologise for the false alarm..
yala.. O lvl MT paper results wasn't released today...
p/s: currently no mood.. my mood is all focused on typing elsewhere! (:
Labels: dont take life so seriously after all no one gets outta it alive
Monday, August 10, 2009 @ 6:54 PM

certain things cant be replaced..
but what's lost, lost, irretrievable.
may be apologies don't work this way..
may be things are meant as it is now..
at times when you think that trying might just do the trick, you're very well wrong.
that was what i thought..
i thought i could just leave it there for a moment,
didnt expect a split second to take it away.
you know, sometimes you wanna let your imagination run as wild as possible, but you're afraid that it might take away your sense of reality, well.. just let it run..
like the wild horse in the wild wild west!
let it run like the wind..
back to the main topic..
apologies? i don't know what else to say..
it's said and done.. but can't it be changed?
the amount of time and effort can be seen through this picture, the sincerity is there,
i'm sure..
Labels: my legs seem unwilling to move when your presence is felt
@ 6:04 PM
alright, about today..
went out with Evelyn.. had lunch then headed down to CCK and Teck Whye..
told my dad that i wanted today to slack and destress considering what has happened so far..
drama rama.. geesh.. pfft...
and so he agreed! (: yala.. daddy's girl.. XD but then i'm not like those daddy's girl okay!
bought a math guide book for O level preparations.. (:
gosh... gotta remind myself to bring a camera everytime i go out!!!
hehe.. photographer in training.. (:
it felt nice going back to Teck Whye.. (:
so peaceful, windy.. and most definitely more homely..
sigh... okay, gotta admit, i miss my old home! >.< color="#ff0000">oh yes oh yes!! i wanna go on a shopping spree!!!!!
save money save money!!
-slogen tees
-scarf? may be.. may be not..
>> Bugis!
>> Orchard!
>> CCK!
mua hahaha!!
:: Total budget : $300?
estimated value: [dependent on how many i buy]
slogen tees = $30
vest = $15
shorts = $20
flatties = $30
belt = $10
necklace = $20
bracelet = $10
hehehe! budget is more than enough!!!!!!
Labels: as if the drama would stop
@ 5:22 PM
as promised, the photos.. (:
alright, give credit to my dad and myself for these pictures taken! (: credit to the photographers not the camera! haha (: enjoy! (:

Sunday, August 9, 2009 @ 10:17 PM
HAPPY NATIONAL DAY SINGAPORE!! (:gosh! what a day... my mum got 5 tickets to the Young NTUC National day celebration at Padang. well... it was alright, considering the fact that my dad and i 'sneaked' off to Marina Bay to take pictures!! eh! stood there like an idiot for more than an hour waiting for the boats to start their 'performance'.. but then again, it was worth the wait.. XD *pictures will be uploaded asap! (:other than that? nothing much though.. homework, done! revision, more or less done! (:
oh yes! to those who took 2009 GCE O LEVEL MOTHER TONGUE PAPER, the results will be released on the 11th of August 2009! it's a tuesday! wah!! the anticipation is really killing me!!!!
all the best to all yea! (:
B3 B3!!! A2 better still.. haha!! (:
please e-mail your contact to me if you're interested in a get together after the O levels.. (:
i'd send an e-mail to those i know soon.. (:
~good night~
p/s: take time off to enjoy things you see along the road, dont think that you can just let it pass by first and make a turn later, cause' it aint gonna be there later.. but then this? i'll pass it cause' i dont plan to turn back for it.
Labels: salvage it not be a savage to it
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @ 1:55 PM
computer finally repaired! (: happy happy happy..
alright, some inspirational post! mua hahaha!
******here goes******
You make me see the sun rise up,
You make me see how the mountains move,
But when you left the sun went to beyond the horizons,
The mountains stayed still in the wind.
Come back please,
Make my world beautiful again,
My yesterdays were beautiful,
My today was dull and mundane,
My tomorrows won’t be like yesterdays anymore.
you know at times when you think you're alone, but you're not.
at times you wanna just let it all go but cant..
sometimes seeing someone makes your blood boil but a smile appears after that.
occasionally popping my head out to catch a glimpse..
sometimes to no avail, sometimes luck was on my side..
you know, it seems like a thousand years ago.
it also seems like only yesterday..
like you words right?
but cant confirm that right?
then again, would someone please tell me?
why hide?
this aint something personal,
unlike a secret-less diary..
though with no secrets but personal.
alright! inspired eh! haha! (:
credit goes to Ryan Tan! (:
his blog is always filled with lyrics that apparently has got nothing to do with him.. haha!!!
weird! weird fellow! mua hahaha!!
p/s: ryan, joking only la... haha! weirdo! jkjk (:
Labels: high on ecstasy
Monday, August 3, 2009 @ 2:35 PM
you know? within a few days i've learnt:
-expect the unexpected
-know the unknown
-make contradictions
-cry when there's the need
-tolerate whenever possible
-never flare up
slap yourself twice if you think i'm wrong! haha! (: nah... feeling kinda sentimental today.. i see people falling in love,
i see people falling out,
i see people changing both for the better and for the worse,
i see patch-ups, i see break-ups,
i see myself sometimes dying in the middle..
at times i wanna be alone...
at times i wanna go somewhere alone..
to find the peace and quiet that i need...
everything is at full speed ahead,
too many drama at once..
drama rama at school,
drama rama at home..
the tension is there..
gosh.. how i wish everything would somehow come to a complete halt...
really, seriously,
if for a moment everyone could just stop and feel the calmness...
wouldn't it be great?
and at that moment there wouldnt be any hurt,
everything would be so lovely.
but then again, quoted from the curious case of benjamin button : "if you dont lose someone you'd never know how much you love them." which is true, that i can vouch for. (:
star light star bright, first star i see tonight, i wish i may, i wish i might get my wish tonight,i wanna go somewhere, a place where no one will find me.. a place where i can hear my own heartbeat.. with the salty breeze blowing against my face, where my phone will be switched off and the only way of communication would be telephathy..i sometimes find myself hyper at a moment and the urge of crying at the next..
well... school? it's alright today.. (: as crazy as ever.. haha! (:
eh!!!!! this friday!!! goodness gracious!!! this friday is national day celebration!!! >.<
wah!!! i hope i wont get so scared and forget the lyrics!! haha!!
"breathe Abigail breathe..."
haha! wish me all the best! and also to Odilia and SiNing! (:
Sunday, August 2, 2009 @ 7:01 PM
argh! sunday already?! haha!
school tomorrow... sigh..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATHANIEL!!did i miss out anyone on my "coming soon" list?
i hope not... (: gonna end here.. i've got nothing else to add... (:
Take care everyone! (:
Labels: secretly high on ecstasy
Saturday, August 1, 2009 @ 2:53 PM
no msn for the time being.. i'd only be blogging.. haha!
woke up at 7.30am today..
got ready and met Evelyn at the LRT station, we then headed to CCK polyclinic to get my knees checked.. (:
and i'm SUPER glad to say that there's noting wrong, it's just fluid or water retention..
Quoted from my report:
"Clinical history: Crepitus. Suprapatellar swelling.
Radiographs of the right knee joint."
yea.. took an x-ray.. haha!
hmm... at least it's alright.. (:
THANK YOU EVELYN AND MUNYEE FOR ACCOMPANYING ME THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE MORNING!! yala... Ryan also la.. he was there for a little while only.. haha!! (:*************ohwell... happy
SWEET sixteen to Kai Loon and Kai Hui! (: Labels: i didnt get your reply but then again who cares