Wednesday, May 27, 2009 @ 10:07 PM
It sucks realising that so many things changed in an instant, it sucks knowing that you can't do anything about it.. This ain't about school, it's generally about life.. at this point i really wanna just pause and think about it later on..
i'm outta focus..
i'm outta sight..
i'm soon gonna b outta my mind..
it's just ain't right..
it isnt supposed to b like that..
something is wrong,
very wrong..
something is outta place..
it ain't there anymore..
where is it?
i'm frustrated..
very frustrated...
i dont wish to think about it,
but the more i ignore it,
the bigger it grows..
i need a solution..
what am i to do?
my eyes are closing..
my limbs are aching..
my bones cracking..
and my brain dying..
my heart pumping, slower..
the beat is dying off..
the straight line is appearing soon..
~and there i go, signing off~
Saturday, May 23, 2009 @ 1:15 PM
Happy Birthday JunLe! (:
may everything go smoothly as your 17th year begins! (:
all the best in everything you do!
Labels: this aint me
Friday, May 22, 2009 @ 7:13 PM
I did it.. (: yay-ness!
I don't wanna elaborate but my close budds know! hees**
ohmygoodnessgracious~ can you imagine? i actually did it!
hoping, praying for the best outcome! (:
I dont know what's gonna happen, but i'm gonna wait and see..
I'm sure that whatever happens would be for the best regardless the good or bad outcome..
Labels: i will wait for your reply
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @ 6:28 PM
what am i to do?
i couldn't even find courage to apologise to you in my dreams..
please dont avoid me.. please... let me talk to you..
this is no way to apologise.. i'll do a face to face tomorrow..
Labels: i am sorry
Monday, May 11, 2009 @ 10:25 PM
i'm tired, tired of waiting for rain in this drought,
i'm gonna make rain,
i've lost patience and i'm not gonna wait..
82. 82 days for me to create a "potion" a "potion" to make rainfall..
today was gre.......gre........great!!!!! (:
had my friends over for a study party! (:
hey, ones a loner, twos a company, threes a party, fours a groupie and fives just too many!
so yea.. you can more or less guess how many people there were! ah haha! (:
ohmygoodnessgracious!! it's chemistry and accounts exam paper tmr!!
alright alright, gotta sleep to re-charge these batteries! (:
wait alright? wait for the day i make rainfall and cool down the heat between us..
Labels: counting down 82 days
@ 8:13 AM
oh.... you're part owner is it?
so it gives you the right to chase people out is it?
how would you feel if you're old and nowhere else to go?
yup! you're "only" 49years old.. which isn't very long till you reach old age isn't it?
so watch it!!! don't push it women! i WILL, let me say it one more time, I WLL
personally video it and upload it on ha! and tell the whole world the link.
oh ya! there's still stomp! the newpaper.. hmm what else? watch it!
she is MY NANNY and therefore MY RESPONSIBILITY!
she is MY NANNY whom took care of ME when you and DADDY were at work!
I want MY NANNY with ME in THIS HOUSE!!!
darn women! where's your conscience?! I wonder how do you sleep at night?
amazing how you sleep without feeling guilty!
really! really! really amazing!! wow......~~~~!
Labels: i'll let the whole world know if that is what it takes to put a stop to it
Sunday, May 10, 2009 @ 7:20 PM
i dont know what's wrong with my camera quality today.. so suck-y.. >.<
sigh... anyways... somehow, i was the official photographer for church today..
kinda embarrassed.. i mean, i'm like......... so.... inexperienced... XD
but then everyone else was kind of encouraging me... making the scene not so very awkward..
ohwell... happy mother's day
Saturday, May 9, 2009 @ 10:15 PM

figured i should upload some pictures.. (:
haha!! my best budds and i sure changed a lot throughout the years..
we have quarrelled, ignored, cold war.. and we're still friends.. (:
[ okok.. i know i sound emotional.. ]
that aside..
i know that you wont b reading this anyway.. but i just wanna say that i'm sorry..
Labels: i'm still head over heels crazy in love with your smile
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 @ 2:18 PM
today is day 1 of MYE!!!
alright alright, i've gotta hit my books right away after i blog!! >.<
i feel like slacking! but i'd b nuts to do so.. (:
so........ today's chinese paper was alright..
it's english tomorrow.. sigh..
i'm head over heels crazy in love with your smile!!
no!! i'm not in love.. [again] no!! definitely not..
just felt like typing this down!!
it sounds nice doesnt it?
head over heels crazy in love~~
Labels: abigail is head over heels crazy in love~~