shut up and read
Hello Everybody!
My name? Abigail (:
My age? turned 18 on March 27!
What am I up to? studying in Republic Polytechnic, majoring in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
What do I love? photography, reading, friends, writing
About me? I am... ...
EXTREMELY emotional, this is different from PMS! (:
Friendly (: cheerful+optimistic=sanguine
thats about it (: enjoy! (:
Ohyes, click on 'The Belle of The Boulevard
to have access to tagboard and such. (:
~keep your eyes of prejudice away
Sunday, April 4, 2010 @ 9:35 PM

whoever has a heart, with blood flowing through their body, regardless misshapened or not, is a human being.. it doesnt matter the colour of their skin or where they come from.. the eyes of prejudice of people nowadays are just so..... i just feel like saying "take a look at your naked self in the mirror and tell me that you're physically flawless.." tell me that no one has ever said anything bad about your race or religion or the colour of your skin or even where you come from.. i've heard that chinese are stingy/selfish.. malays are rude/idiots/etc... indians are smelly/'dangerous' ... foreigners are stupid.. dumb blondes, short asians, small eyed chinese, blacks, etc.. it sounds horrible. who are you to judge.. well, i'm saying this because i've heard too many.. it might not have been about my race and religion, chinese and christian by the way, and i'm proud to be.. i think that faults should go to everyone, including me.. me not because i'm racist, but because when there was a chance to speak up for these people i did not.. not that i was invited or actually asked to speak up for them.. but i could have defended them when i hear people speak of them like that.. i've seen people quickly covering their noses when an indian walks past them.. and some even cover their childs noses and say "they're smelly.." i mean! come'on! teaching a child such ethnics?? no wonder the world is becoming like this.. i have friends who are malays, indians, chinese, mixed blood, blondes, filipinos, americans and asians.. whats wrong with that?? i just can't seem to accept the fact that there are adults who are teaching children racism.. aren't you a human being too?? how would you feel being the inferior race?? Adlof Hitler again?? the "pure aryan" race... oh come'on! anyways.. i've finished ranting.. (: but just take a look at the
Labels: you're not perfect neither am i
~keep your eyes of prejudice away
Sunday, April 4, 2010 @ 9:35 PM

whoever has a heart, with blood flowing through their body, regardless misshapened or not, is a human being.. it doesnt matter the colour of their skin or where they come from.. the eyes of prejudice of people nowadays are just so..... i just feel like saying "take a look at your naked self in the mirror and tell me that you're physically flawless.." tell me that no one has ever said anything bad about your race or religion or the colour of your skin or even where you come from.. i've heard that chinese are stingy/selfish.. malays are rude/idiots/etc... indians are smelly/'dangerous' ... foreigners are stupid.. dumb blondes, short asians, small eyed chinese, blacks, etc.. it sounds horrible. who are you to judge.. well, i'm saying this because i've heard too many.. it might not have been about my race and religion, chinese and christian by the way, and i'm proud to be.. i think that faults should go to everyone, including me.. me not because i'm racist, but because when there was a chance to speak up for these people i did not.. not that i was invited or actually asked to speak up for them.. but i could have defended them when i hear people speak of them like that.. i've seen people quickly covering their noses when an indian walks past them.. and some even cover their childs noses and say "they're smelly.." i mean! come'on! teaching a child such ethnics?? no wonder the world is becoming like this.. i have friends who are malays, indians, chinese, mixed blood, blondes, filipinos, americans and asians.. whats wrong with that?? i just can't seem to accept the fact that there are adults who are teaching children racism.. aren't you a human being too?? how would you feel being the inferior race?? Adlof Hitler again?? the "pure aryan" race... oh come'on! anyways.. i've finished ranting.. (: but just take a look at the
Labels: you're not perfect neither am i
i know i'm in love
Hello! (: one of my favourite things to do now is to write poems/lyrics if you can put a tune to it. I enjoy lazy mornings especially when it's raining. I do things according to my mood, unfortunately, I can't do that for my studies.. I enjoy sitting at a corner and be absorbed in a book, so far I love Anne Of Green Gables and Heidi. Currently, I'm studying in Republic Polytechnic, Pharmaceutical Sciences. I'm taking up photo IG and pharmaceutica IG, IG here stands for Interest Group. I'm enjoying school and I love my new and old friends! (: ~ends here~
lovin' it