shut up and read

Hello Everybody!
My name? Abigail (:
My age? turned 18 on March 27!
What am I up to? studying in Republic Polytechnic, majoring in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
What do I love? photography, reading, friends, writing
About me? I am... ...
EXTREMELY emotional, this is different from PMS! (:
Friendly (: cheerful+optimistic=sanguine
thats about it (: enjoy! (:
Ohyes, click on 'The Belle of The Boulevard
to have access to tagboard and such. (:
Thursday, July 16, 2009 @ 8:43 PM

i feel like cuddling someone..
i feel like hugging someone so tightly just to calm me down..
i feel like leaning on someone's shoulder and turn it soggy..
i feel like crying,
i feel like laughing,
i feel like screaming,
i feel like isolating myself..
so many of this a too little of that,
a little more of this and a difference is made..
too little of that and there isnt a reaction..
i feel a contradiction coming along..
i want black and white,
i want colours also!
i wanna cry,
but i wanna put on a smile cause' i'm happy!
what do i really want?
school was alright, (:
i'm finally feeling better..
not a hint of fever or whatsoever.. (:
urgh... EC!!! Extended Curriculum!! also known as graduating classes worst nightmare!
oh well.. suffer first enjoy later! (: mua hahaha! (:
one last lap and its party till dawn baby! (:
