shut up and read
Hello Everybody!
My name? Abigail (:
My age? turned 18 on March 27!
What am I up to? studying in Republic Polytechnic, majoring in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
What do I love? photography, reading, friends, writing
About me? I am... ...
EXTREMELY emotional, this is different from PMS! (:
Friendly (: cheerful+optimistic=sanguine
thats about it (: enjoy! (:
Ohyes, click on 'The Belle of The Boulevard
to have access to tagboard and such. (:
Friday, December 18, 2009 @ 5:30 AM
it's just a few hours till youth camp begins! (: yay! (: camp? i remember being a young girl and already wanting to go for camps. i remember that daddy brought me to my first camp when i was just 5 years old.. church was having their annual juniors teens camp at st john's island and daddy brought me along.. juniors teens camp age group is 10 to 14 years old.. and i was with people nearly 10 years older than me, i bunked with them, woke up to do PT with them and had breakfast with them.. and when they had games i would sit there and watch.. and sometimes for fun i was allowed to join in. during the games i would stay for awhile and then i had to go back to campsite and help out in the kitchen.. hey, who says 5 year olds cannot help in the kitchen? haha (: i would never forget my first camp.. and as i grew up i was finally old enough to be a camper! at the age of 8 or 9 i was attending my first OFFICIAL camp! (: i'm always in the spirit for camps.. 9 to 14 years old i attended every camp.. and nearly all of them were held at st johns.. sometimes it was held at church.. 14 years old was also the year i attended my first youth camp.. (: hey!!! so far my life is a montage of camps! anyways.. by 15 years old i was camp worker.. i was at first song leading and then in the games commitee.. other than church camps, school camps were fun too.. (: sec 1 oriantation camp, sec 2 NE camp, sec 3 advanture camp, sec 4 and sec 5 study camp and annual scouts and guides camp. of all these camps.. my most memorable ones are the ones held at st johns.. being a camper all i had to do was to listen to the gorgor and jiejie running the camp and planning games for us.. and my fav game of all time is the last night of camp.. war game!! (: when the sun goes down....... when the campfire is over....... when no one is tired despite all the games........ and the moon is up....... we get ready for war....... there was always 4 groups.. and 2 groups would join and combine.. war game had it's objectives, my fav was when we had to get the opponents banner.. we had to hide our banner, so some of us had to guard while others hunt for the opponents banner and the rest just wait to ambush! with water bombs in our hands.. we had P.O.W (prisonner of war), we had warriors.. haha (: and now that i have grown up, last year's junior's camp i was a worker and my sister was a camper.. and i was in the games commitee.. now i know how tough it is.. staying up late trying to get the games right, making sure that the campers would enjoy it.. going down to the park to check on our game site, sitting by the tap in the morning getting the water bombs ready.. it's a lot of work, but at the end of it the sense of satisfaction when the campers are having the time of their lives.. (: school camps... hmm.... my most unforgettable was sec 2 LTC camp.. it was held at pulau ubin, i love the high elements and the jetty jump! (: if my mum saw me doing that i think she would go bonkers.. anyways... i love camps.. and i'm hoping it wouldnt end so soon... cause i bet even when i'm 75 years old i'll still be attending camps!!!! haha (: we shall see.. alright, i shall end here and update more on sunday.. may be monday.. (:

Friday, December 18, 2009 @ 5:30 AM
it's just a few hours till youth camp begins! (: yay! (: camp? i remember being a young girl and already wanting to go for camps. i remember that daddy brought me to my first camp when i was just 5 years old.. church was having their annual juniors teens camp at st john's island and daddy brought me along.. juniors teens camp age group is 10 to 14 years old.. and i was with people nearly 10 years older than me, i bunked with them, woke up to do PT with them and had breakfast with them.. and when they had games i would sit there and watch.. and sometimes for fun i was allowed to join in. during the games i would stay for awhile and then i had to go back to campsite and help out in the kitchen.. hey, who says 5 year olds cannot help in the kitchen? haha (: i would never forget my first camp.. and as i grew up i was finally old enough to be a camper! at the age of 8 or 9 i was attending my first OFFICIAL camp! (: i'm always in the spirit for camps.. 9 to 14 years old i attended every camp.. and nearly all of them were held at st johns.. sometimes it was held at church.. 14 years old was also the year i attended my first youth camp.. (: hey!!! so far my life is a montage of camps! anyways.. by 15 years old i was camp worker.. i was at first song leading and then in the games commitee.. other than church camps, school camps were fun too.. (: sec 1 oriantation camp, sec 2 NE camp, sec 3 advanture camp, sec 4 and sec 5 study camp and annual scouts and guides camp. of all these camps.. my most memorable ones are the ones held at st johns.. being a camper all i had to do was to listen to the gorgor and jiejie running the camp and planning games for us.. and my fav game of all time is the last night of camp.. war game!! (: when the sun goes down....... when the campfire is over....... when no one is tired despite all the games........ and the moon is up....... we get ready for war....... there was always 4 groups.. and 2 groups would join and combine.. war game had it's objectives, my fav was when we had to get the opponents banner.. we had to hide our banner, so some of us had to guard while others hunt for the opponents banner and the rest just wait to ambush! with water bombs in our hands.. we had P.O.W (prisonner of war), we had warriors.. haha (: and now that i have grown up, last year's junior's camp i was a worker and my sister was a camper.. and i was in the games commitee.. now i know how tough it is.. staying up late trying to get the games right, making sure that the campers would enjoy it.. going down to the park to check on our game site, sitting by the tap in the morning getting the water bombs ready.. it's a lot of work, but at the end of it the sense of satisfaction when the campers are having the time of their lives.. (: school camps... hmm.... my most unforgettable was sec 2 LTC camp.. it was held at pulau ubin, i love the high elements and the jetty jump! (: if my mum saw me doing that i think she would go bonkers.. anyways... i love camps.. and i'm hoping it wouldnt end so soon... cause i bet even when i'm 75 years old i'll still be attending camps!!!! haha (: we shall see.. alright, i shall end here and update more on sunday.. may be monday.. (:

i know i'm in love
Hello! (: one of my favourite things to do now is to write poems/lyrics if you can put a tune to it. I enjoy lazy mornings especially when it's raining. I do things according to my mood, unfortunately, I can't do that for my studies.. I enjoy sitting at a corner and be absorbed in a book, so far I love Anne Of Green Gables and Heidi. Currently, I'm studying in Republic Polytechnic, Pharmaceutical Sciences. I'm taking up photo IG and pharmaceutica IG, IG here stands for Interest Group. I'm enjoying school and I love my new and old friends! (: ~ends here~
lovin' it