shut up and read
Hello Everybody!
My name? Abigail (:
My age? turned 18 on March 27!
What am I up to? studying in Republic Polytechnic, majoring in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
What do I love? photography, reading, friends, writing
About me? I am... ...
EXTREMELY emotional, this is different from PMS! (:
Friendly (: cheerful+optimistic=sanguine
thats about it (: enjoy! (:
Ohyes, click on 'The Belle of The Boulevard
to have access to tagboard and such. (:
Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 6:34 AM

i woke up at 6.30am this morning... and i'm now blogging.. i kind of miss those days waking up extra early and i'll be at school by 6.30am.. my friends and i would sit at the courtyard and nobody would be there... life in sec 1 and 2 was innocent... it was the growing stage, how you would turn out to be mostly depended during then, cause' that was when it was most influential.. who your friends are, what kind of person they are, were important.. u still remember 'four girls' like... four girls always together be it in class, during recess or during cca... and then there was 老地方。。a place we sat and do nothing, a place we had fun, a place we had the stupidest fights.. up till now, the stupidest fight was during sec 1.. hahahahahhahhaha!! trust me, i CAN'T elaborate here, it's erm............ gross... there were many stupid fights... first time i encountered "trouble" was in sec 3.. there were countless confrontations.. countless accusations.. countless cold war.. countless patch ups... to me.. sec 3 was when i learnt to treasure friendship, the most important ones, i learnt to take a step back and compromise.. though in sec 3 my girls and i were separated, they took D&T and i took POA, we still get together after school, during recess, went to school together and such.. **it has been such a long time since i actually went out with them, like shopping and such.. like a real outing..** then came sec 4.. N levels... there were of course still fights, cold war and patch ups.. sec 4 was quite calm.. not much confrontations, lesser frictions.. it was okay... (: we helped each other to get through the stress period and such.. it was a busy year.. despite my busy schedule i found time towards the end of N levels to indulge myself in a relationship for 6.5months.. sec 5.. this year.. i love-hate this year! it had its perks and its downside... which sucked a great deal! r/s aside... as for studies.. i felt like i studied really hard and i felt like i slacked really hard too... suckish... urgh.. it's kind of annoying cause at times i feel so darn scared, scared to a point i can really pull my hair out.. and at other times it seems like nothing.. and the remaining times are just neutral... i love-hate sec 5 cause i fought only ONCE with junpeng... yes! it's a big deal cause he's my listening ear, apart from my closer girlfriends.. well.. this year was kind of suckish.. many things happened.. misunderstandings, quarrels, cold war, hits, cuts, cries... it's really suckish! like you really want this person to just simply stfu for a moment cause they're so darn noisy.. like seriously.. this year was the FIRST time Evelyn and i actually quarrelled... during the last 5 years we've never quarrelled... and no, i will not list them down cause they are down right stupid! like.. really really stupid.. but I'm glad it's behind me.. like.. this is by far the worst year of my life.. there may be more to come.. but that's so far.. things started to brighten up a little towards the end of the year... things seemed more in place weeks before O levels... head is finally above water... as for my relationship.. it ended early April... we haven't talked since then.. messaging stopped, calls stopped, friendship ended... this showed me how fragile a friendship can be, especially when 2 people don't know each other well... well.. lesson learnt.. (: and now... i suppose i want till the end of November to myself... and after prom it's gonna be endless outings! 5 years just pass and go so quickly.. 1825 days.. that isn't a lot... but there will be more to come..
Labels: breathe in - breathe out - in with the good - out with the bad
Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 6:34 AM

i woke up at 6.30am this morning... and i'm now blogging.. i kind of miss those days waking up extra early and i'll be at school by 6.30am.. my friends and i would sit at the courtyard and nobody would be there... life in sec 1 and 2 was innocent... it was the growing stage, how you would turn out to be mostly depended during then, cause' that was when it was most influential.. who your friends are, what kind of person they are, were important.. u still remember 'four girls' like... four girls always together be it in class, during recess or during cca... and then there was 老地方。。a place we sat and do nothing, a place we had fun, a place we had the stupidest fights.. up till now, the stupidest fight was during sec 1.. hahahahahhahhaha!! trust me, i CAN'T elaborate here, it's erm............ gross... there were many stupid fights... first time i encountered "trouble" was in sec 3.. there were countless confrontations.. countless accusations.. countless cold war.. countless patch ups... to me.. sec 3 was when i learnt to treasure friendship, the most important ones, i learnt to take a step back and compromise.. though in sec 3 my girls and i were separated, they took D&T and i took POA, we still get together after school, during recess, went to school together and such.. **it has been such a long time since i actually went out with them, like shopping and such.. like a real outing..** then came sec 4.. N levels... there were of course still fights, cold war and patch ups.. sec 4 was quite calm.. not much confrontations, lesser frictions.. it was okay... (: we helped each other to get through the stress period and such.. it was a busy year.. despite my busy schedule i found time towards the end of N levels to indulge myself in a relationship for 6.5months.. sec 5.. this year.. i love-hate this year! it had its perks and its downside... which sucked a great deal! r/s aside... as for studies.. i felt like i studied really hard and i felt like i slacked really hard too... suckish... urgh.. it's kind of annoying cause at times i feel so darn scared, scared to a point i can really pull my hair out.. and at other times it seems like nothing.. and the remaining times are just neutral... i love-hate sec 5 cause i fought only ONCE with junpeng... yes! it's a big deal cause he's my listening ear, apart from my closer girlfriends.. well.. this year was kind of suckish.. many things happened.. misunderstandings, quarrels, cold war, hits, cuts, cries... it's really suckish! like you really want this person to just simply stfu for a moment cause they're so darn noisy.. like seriously.. this year was the FIRST time Evelyn and i actually quarrelled... during the last 5 years we've never quarrelled... and no, i will not list them down cause they are down right stupid! like.. really really stupid.. but I'm glad it's behind me.. like.. this is by far the worst year of my life.. there may be more to come.. but that's so far.. things started to brighten up a little towards the end of the year... things seemed more in place weeks before O levels... head is finally above water... as for my relationship.. it ended early April... we haven't talked since then.. messaging stopped, calls stopped, friendship ended... this showed me how fragile a friendship can be, especially when 2 people don't know each other well... well.. lesson learnt.. (: and now... i suppose i want till the end of November to myself... and after prom it's gonna be endless outings! 5 years just pass and go so quickly.. 1825 days.. that isn't a lot... but there will be more to come..
Labels: breathe in - breathe out - in with the good - out with the bad
i know i'm in love
Hello! (: one of my favourite things to do now is to write poems/lyrics if you can put a tune to it. I enjoy lazy mornings especially when it's raining. I do things according to my mood, unfortunately, I can't do that for my studies.. I enjoy sitting at a corner and be absorbed in a book, so far I love Anne Of Green Gables and Heidi. Currently, I'm studying in Republic Polytechnic, Pharmaceutical Sciences. I'm taking up photo IG and pharmaceutica IG, IG here stands for Interest Group. I'm enjoying school and I love my new and old friends! (: ~ends here~
lovin' it