shut up and read
Hello Everybody!
My name? Abigail (:
My age? turned 18 on March 27!
What am I up to? studying in Republic Polytechnic, majoring in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
What do I love? photography, reading, friends, writing
About me? I am... ...
EXTREMELY emotional, this is different from PMS! (:
Friendly (: cheerful+optimistic=sanguine
thats about it (: enjoy! (:
Ohyes, click on 'The Belle of The Boulevard
to have access to tagboard and such. (:
Monday, August 10, 2009 @ 6:54 PM

certain things cant be replaced..
but what's lost, lost, irretrievable.
may be apologies don't work this way..
may be things are meant as it is now..
at times when you think that trying might just do the trick, you're very well wrong.
that was what i thought..
i thought i could just leave it there for a moment,
didnt expect a split second to take it away.
you know, sometimes you wanna let your imagination run as wild as possible, but you're afraid that it might take away your sense of reality, well.. just let it run..
like the wild horse in the wild wild west!
let it run like the wind..
back to the main topic..
apologies? i don't know what else to say..
it's said and done.. but can't it be changed?
the amount of time and effort can be seen through this picture, the sincerity is there,
i'm sure..
Labels: my legs seem unwilling to move when your presence is felt
Monday, August 10, 2009 @ 6:54 PM

certain things cant be replaced..
but what's lost, lost, irretrievable.
may be apologies don't work this way..
may be things are meant as it is now..
at times when you think that trying might just do the trick, you're very well wrong.
that was what i thought..
i thought i could just leave it there for a moment,
didnt expect a split second to take it away.
you know, sometimes you wanna let your imagination run as wild as possible, but you're afraid that it might take away your sense of reality, well.. just let it run..
like the wild horse in the wild wild west!
let it run like the wind..
back to the main topic..
apologies? i don't know what else to say..
it's said and done.. but can't it be changed?
the amount of time and effort can be seen through this picture, the sincerity is there,
i'm sure..
Labels: my legs seem unwilling to move when your presence is felt
i know i'm in love
Hello! (: one of my favourite things to do now is to write poems/lyrics if you can put a tune to it. I enjoy lazy mornings especially when it's raining. I do things according to my mood, unfortunately, I can't do that for my studies.. I enjoy sitting at a corner and be absorbed in a book, so far I love Anne Of Green Gables and Heidi. Currently, I'm studying in Republic Polytechnic, Pharmaceutical Sciences. I'm taking up photo IG and pharmaceutica IG, IG here stands for Interest Group. I'm enjoying school and I love my new and old friends! (: ~ends here~
lovin' it